[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181220/f6a45e13f95ac9c1a570cfbf03c34e6c.png[/img][/center] If anything was consistent in Clarissa's lifestyle, it was her assortment of books and knick-knacks from years of never getting rid of a damn thing. Ethan perused the bookcase that ran a few feet across one of the walls in the living room. The books themselves -an assortment of crime fiction, trashy romance, and even a few on psychology and criminal justice- seemed crammed into the small amount of space allotted on the shelf. As he continued his observations, the glimmer from something metallic caught his eye, and his hand reached into the glass bowl where it was being held. He lifted a thin silver necklace up to the light, and smiled when he saw the .45 caliber bullet hanging at the end with the inscription “unstoppable” etched along the casing. Ethan found that at a pawn store years ago and held onto it until eventually gifting it to Clare upon her graduation from the police academy. No doubt one of the only significant items she had kept linking the both of them from another life. [I]“What are you looking for?...”[/i] An almost ethereal whisper startled him, causing the necklace to plink back into the glass bowl as the man turned around to find no one there. He assumed it was Clare but her bedroom door never opened, and as far as he knew, there were no other doors with access. “What the fuck?” He muttered with a puzzled expression, glancing around the living room and connected kitchen area, but before he could investigate any further, the bedroom door did finally open as Clare emerged dressed to the nines and looking as stunning as ever. “Wow.” Ethan grinned, as he couldn't take his eyes off the Latin beauty. The girl always had a flair for entrances, but couple that with an eye for fashion and she was, indeed, a treat to behold. He let out a slow whistle. “Oh, I didn't mind. The wait was definitely worth it. You look gorgeous.” He said, giving her a peck on the cheek and resisting the urge to cup her face and kiss those luscious lips full on. Not yet anyway. “But on that note, let's get the evening started, shall we?” He held an elbow out for the other to lock her own arm around just as they used to do. “I booked us a table at that sushi place over on forty-fifth street that you really like.” He shrugged. “Or, at least, I [i]hope[/i] you still like.” In the hallway, Ethan noticed Karen, the woman from the elevator, peeking out from the apartment a few doors down. As soon as they turned out of sight and waited for the elevator, Ethan snickered to Clara. ‘What’s up with that lady?” He shook his head as they stepped into the lift to go down to the lobby. “I imagine she probably has an apartment full of cats.” He said with a grin, making a circular motion on the side of his head with a finger. “Or worse. Hamsters.” The black Maserati GT was parallel parked out front as they exited the lobby, and he opened the passenger side door for Clare as she approached. The leather interior still retained its “fresh from the factory” smell and flawless surface even after owning the vehicle for almost two years and hosting dozens of passengers. Although Ethan pampered the vehicle like he would a newborn baby, so it wasn't any real surprise the car sparkled as it did. “I guess you two haven't met yet.” Ethan chuckled as he climbed into the driver's side and started the engine, which purred like a tiger. “Although I think she likes you.” He gave the woman’s thigh a little squeeze before fastening his seatbelt and pulling out onto the main road, the ride feeling smooth and comfortable even going over a lot of the uneven pavement. “Of course if you treat her right, she’ll give you the ride of your life.”