25th Mechanized Battalion "Stray Dogs" [i]"This is Gunrat section, we're on deck." "Topshelf section, on deck." "Wolf section, standing by command." "Lion section, standing by command." "This is Sky Eye flight, holding in orbit position."[/i] "Command section registering all callsigns, grid is up. Listen up all callsigns, this is a hostile zone. Weapons hot, keep your eyes peeled for any hostiles. Especially artillery. Command wants Fortress Patton in one piece when we hit the target zone." Helena Greywind ordered within the confines of her mech, letting Ivanhoe run on auto-walk as she assessed her troop of mechs and attached mechanized infantry and tanks.They were an advance element screening the way ahead of the moving fortress Patton, a heavy mobile battleship that would greatly dissuade any local raiders from attacking. At least, that was what Command hoped for. Shifting back into direct pilot control mode, Helena looked down to see her mechanized feet were properly locked into the foot pedals before sending Ivanhoe into a low jog, her escorts falling in with her as she looked across the line of armored vehicles entering the Gazare oil fields. So far no contacts, but no telling how long that would be. [i]"Would someone care to remind me why the hell we are out here in our poorly air-conditioned mechs?"[/i] Helena frowned as she tapped on the secondary com-line to find out who was talking. Barker, one of the new transferres from the 107th. That man was a good pilot, but a load of trouble. Such as now. [i]"We need oil Barker. We got fusion, fission, and alien tech, but most of our internal economy and industry still run on oil. I don't even want to think about how much of these mechs are made of oil products. Get the oil, we get more mechs. Simple as that."[/i] And there was Kevin, a greenhorn rookie eager to prove himself, and evidently read the entire briefing memo Command had distributed. Smart kid, Helena had to admit. [i]"I was talking more about the air conditioning kid. We can make mechs but can't fit a decent A/C inside one of these? Fuck, I'm burning up in here." "I'm just fine Barker, maybe you ought to get it checked back at depot." "Maybe you need to get laid kid, if that rod up your ass doesn't get in the way. Hah ha." "Screw you Barker." "Maybe our commander could show you how its done? Bet that the moment you saw her recruitment poster you wanted to-" "BARKER! Move up in your lane, could be hostiles in your sector, check it out!"[/i] Ordered Captain Riggs, saving Helena the effort of clamping down on the disobedient pilot as Barker lazily acknowledged the order and lumbered ahead. This was going to be a long deployment, Helena grumbled as she switched channels to the air force above the row of mechs to listen into their observations of the area ahead. There ought to be some kind of response from the locals by now, so where were they?