[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/jYqOTPr-hJLJsgjoioU8IeG-fDRIu8WlRkTNN8CvSfE/https/78.media.tumblr.com/2ab89af0fb5751c9d5ae666f24ca95b4/tumblr_pbwt0dYgzh1w6599so1_1280.png[/img] and I guess Quill and Donovan[/center] [hr] Alistair tried flashing a smile back to Aki, but stopped halfway when he realized his mood did not allow for such things. He wasn’t angry so much as he was curious right now, and wasting time on such pointless things was counterproductive to what he wished to achieve. [color=c1ba46][i]But I still have more I wish to say.[/i][/color] Alistair did not seem too keen on letting the woman depart before prying information out of her, now more than ever after seeing her cloaked form. Unfortunately, he couldn’t exactly call her out on trying to kill them last time, but it did reinforce the idea that he needed to interrogate her somehow, even if it potentially cost him yet another life. But as long as he had this power and curse, he would gleefully take another death than stick around in the same day for an eternity. Information, any at all, would be worth it. So, the arrogant man attempted to follow Quill out of the clinic, but a certain commotion with the candles directed liquid candle towards his target. Alistair quickly decided to call out to Quill, though it may not have even been necessary given her current attire. [color=c1ba46]“Hot stuff, coming your way!”[/color] The candle probably wouldn't have caused much damage, given that quill was wearing a heavy cloak now. But Alistair's words caused Quill to turn around just in time for the wax projectile to fly into the front of her garb, hitting her square in the chest. [color=dab666]“Gah!”[/color] Quill tried to brush off as much of the burning wax as possible. [color=dab666]“Water! Water!”[/color] [b]”Quill!”[/b] Donovan didn't hesitate for a second, and blasted the front of her body with a modest amount of water. [b]”Are you alright?”[/b] Quill had a few red spots on her chest where the wax had agitated the skin, but she seemed to be fine. Save for the fact that she was chuckling historically. [color=dab666]“Well I'll be.”[/color] She turned to look at Chieko. [color=dab666]“We suspected Hiro and Aerith were clairvoyants, but to think that you also possessed such an ability...”[/color] She lifted a hand to the side of her face. [color=dab666]“That's why you attacked me, isn't it? You knew I was going to slip away and attack your friends. Well the good news is that you just bought your friends some time. The bad news is...”[/color] Her reinforced cudgel slid out of her sleeve, and Quill gripped it firmly in her hand. [color=dab666]“...Your time just got a lot shorter.”[/color] Donovan extended his hands. [b]”Ya lost ya mind girl!”[/b] [color=dab666]“Oh shut up you cunt! I never much cared how you cowered around the humans. What happened to the pride of giants?”[/color] she looked squarely at the Asian girl. [color=dab666]“Maybe I won't kill you, depending on how useful you are. It's very possible this whole thing with the candle was just a misunderstanding after all, so I'll let you live if you can answer this simple question. Because I've already decided how I'm going to kill all of you. I know [i]exactly[/i] how all of your lives are going to end. So what you have to do is really simple.”[/color] she extended her arms. [color=dab666]“All you have to do is tell me what order I'm going to kill everyone in. If you do that, I'll spare all of you. Otherwise...”[/color] Her grin widened. [color=dab666]“I'll show you the correct answer.”[/color] Donovan's hands were trembling, but he didn't take a single step closer to Quill. [b]”Quill, just relax...”[/b] Apparently the easiest way to confirm she was indeed one of the attackers with zero chance of being incorrect was to pelt her with a candle. Alistair was a bit surprised at her immediate admission of this, despite the entire thing being an accident from what he could tell. Still, this wasn’t exactly groundbreaking information, and if anything it was probably going to make extracting useful information from her even more difficult. He did not want the “who” or the “where” or the “when” as much as he wanted the “why”. Alistair wasted not a single moment in positioning himself between the now-hostile woman and both Aki and Chieko, taking a rather basic brawling posture. His magic was far from being combat worthy at the moment. His expression look to be one of annoyance rather than actual anger, fear, or anxiety. [color=c1ba46]“Eyes here.”[/color] he demanded. [color=c1ba46]“What could you possibly gain from attacking us? And,”[/color] Alistair didn’t bother looking towards the giant, but his next words were certainly directed towards him. [color=c1ba46]“Did you know she was like this?”[/color] Donovan didn't answer. His head must have been racing. Quill didn't avert her eyes from Chieko, but she spoke. [color=dab666]“This is how you stimulate a clairvoyant's powers. Being exposed to danger enhances their ability to see into the future.”[/color] Her grin widened. [color=dab666]“Now, I want Chieko to be the next one to speak. If anyone else opens their mouth, I'll grill them from the inside out.”[/color] Alistair's expression soured more than it already had been. It wasn't reassuring to have Donovan remain silent. Was that an admission of guilt, or was it something else? Had that been Alistair's only worry, he might've been able to figure that out. Instead, Alistair was interested to hear about this woman's delusion. [color=c1ba46][i]A clarivoyant? And the power is enhanced by being exposed to danger? I suppose that is one way to put it, but it's not entirely correct, either. Still, that's unsettling. Who is giving her that kind of information?[/i][/color] About two things Alistair was absolutely positive. First, Alistair had made far more progress in this one attempt at Donovan's than any attempt working with Fritzi. And second, he was certain that this woman had every intention on following up with the threat she had just made. Confident as he was in himself, Alistair was capable of recognizing that at this point in time, he wasn't perfect. His magic would not be of use to him in a fight, nor was it likely he could beat one of these assassins in single combat, at least not without a blessing or two. But if there one thing Alistair could not simply stand, or rather, three... [color=c1ba46]"I, Alistair Archibald, am usually a benevolent and tolerant man, but there are three things I simply cannot stand: People who stand in my way, people who insult me, and people who order me around!"[/color] Alistair could safely say that this woman was all three of these things. And he'd be dead before he let her try to interrogate any of the non-natives on his watch. During Alistair's monolog, Quill rolled her eyes and leveled her palm with the arrogant youth's head. While Alistair had been in a few fights before, he was woefully unprepared for dealing with magical oni assassins. A red hot ball of fire launched from quill's hand and slammed into [url=https://youtu.be/rmnZ0R8quWM]Alistair's throat[/url]. He didn't even have time to scream before it burned all the way through his neck, setting his head ablaze as it rolled away from his decapitated body. Now that he was dead, he would let quill interrogate whoever she wanted. [center][b][h1][i][color=black]DEATH COUNT[/color] : [color=RED]26[/color][/i][/h1][/b][/center] [color=dab666]“Seems the future just became a little easier to predict.”[/color] Quill chuckled.[color=dab666]“Quit stalling. Answer me [i]now[/i]. What's going to happen next?”[/color]