[center][h1][b]McKenna Fisher[/b][/h1][/center][hr] McKenna's eyes were staring down the tunnel, and she depended on the five required senses of a hunter. She was desperate on pinpointing the source of the noise, quickly sheathed her pistol, and changed to her rifle, sitting on her back, knowing that heavier firearms were valuable in the termination of these creatures. The sound was getting closer, and the young woman's breathing was slightly quickening. Sure, this wasn't her first encounter with these abominations. But, still, there were in the dark. Who knew where they just might be able to attack? As soon as Miller started to walk backwards, she followed him by doing the same, hoping that, by doing so, it would put their stalker in the light, and attacking it, would become a lot easier. "A dead body can act as bait, hoping that it would attract the same species, for another catch", she noted aloud, as she kept her gun aimed in the direction of the noise. "It would more than likely come to us, as we have already took the bait. We have to be the ones to take it out first", McKenna suggested, as they were near the outside.