Name: Carawen Race: Bosmer Gender: Female Age: 25 Birth sign: The Steed Appearance: Her scleras are a solid black with a golden iris. Her skin is a fair and a pale peach color with a green tinge. Her hair is a dark brown and kept in a pony tail. She is lean, and about average height for her kin. Equipment: She wears leather armor tailored in the Bosmer fashion, with metal along her forearms and shins and a hood covering a light metal helmet. She carries two short swords, and her prized bow with arrows and a quiver. ((Essentially looks like the Bosmer Elder Armor Mod for Skyrim.)) Skills: Archery: Expert One-handed combat: Journeyman Blacksmithing: Apprentice (able to fletch arrows and repair/maintain armor and weapons, but cannot create anything beyond that) Unarmed: Apprentice Athletics: Journeyman Acrobatics: Journeyman Personality: Carawen has been disenchanted by her experience in Leyawiin, and wishes for nothing more than to go home. She is a religious Bosmer, and practices the Green Pact. As such her bow is made from bone, she does not eat vegetables (even if they're not from Valenwood), and yes, she practices ritualistic cannibalism. She prefers to keep to herself, though she can be social. She is fond of archery and practices it when she can. She is competitive, stubborn, dry, sarcastic, and charming when she must be, but tries to be polite and is not cruel. Background: Born and raised in Valenwood amongst its walking trees, for a long time Carawen believed she was locked away from the rest of the world. She longed for an adventure, and the chance to see the rest of the world, and so at the age of 16, she left Valenwood for the prosperous Imperial City. Unfortunately, it went very badly for her, as she had no idea what she was doing, and landed with no money, and in Leyawiin. She worked for a sympathetic Bosmer butcher and frequently hunted the woods nearby to keep meats of all sorts stocked in his store. Nine years of work, and she still did not have the money to leave, so when the opportunity of piracy presented itself, she took it up immediately. She may not be fond of traveling on a ship nor piracy in general, but if it means she can disembark the moment they get close to Valenwood, it is an opportunity she is more than happy to take. ((To be honest, I don't know how old a Bosmer can be, or what the equivalent for 25 years old would be. I thought I'd just throw something out there!))