[b]Name:Okora[/b] [b]Race:Saiyan[/b] [b]Ki Color:Blue[/b] [b]Power Level:910[/b] [b]Location:Ten miles outside of Capital City[/b] [@Holy Soldier] Okora decided to forgo grabbing her possessions after a few moments consideration and waited until she got away from a number of people who were busy running around in a panic and a number of looters. She took off into the sky and shook her head. She didn't want to abandon the people who she had come to know and actually like but there was no choice. If there was someone from Planet Vegeta coming after her then there was a good chance that everyone near her was going to die, of course there was also a good chance the planet was going to be destroyed as well. She was ten miles away from Central Capital when she suddenly felt a massive power signature approaching her at high speed. Okora stopped and dropped to the ground and attempted to take cover among the trees and boulders that littered the open fields. Okora looked up into the sky and saw a figure floating in the sky above her. She paused for a second in confusion. Whoever this person was, it most certainly wasn't a Saiyan. It looked nothing at all like one of the race of creatures she so despised. She rose up into the sky and stared at the figure with a frown. "So, I take it you blew up Parsley City, huh?" She asked carefully. The unknown figure simply smiled an evil smile at her and extended his left hand towards her. Okora's battle skills were rusty, she had thought she was done with fighting after leaving Planet Vegeta. A moment later Okora was forced to dodge to her right side as a barrage of punches tore through the air where she had been a moment ago. [i]Holy...Damn he's quick![/i] She thought as she tried to open up some distance between her and whatever the hell this was. As if the alien was reading her thoughts, it grinned. "Nice dodge. Really stinks for you that I wasn't even trying. It seems like everyone on this planet is incredibly weak." Okora could feel her blood beginning to boil at the creature's words. She didn't want to fight. She didn't want to kill anyone. But this thing had already destroyed a city and it's entire population. "I don't like fighting and I don't like killing but I'm going to make an exception when it comes to you." She growled. "You wiped out an entire city so in return I'm going to grind you into dust." The Saiyan woman charged towards the alien and unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks that the alien was easily able to dodge. Not a single punch or kick landed. "So weak." The alien said casually as he continued to dodge. Okora's eyes widened with rage. She put on a burst of speed so she was nearly face to face and unleashed a barrage of Ki blasts at point blank range. [i]That's not good.[/i] She thought as the smoke cleared and the alien was revealed to be completely unharmed. There were a few scratches on his armor and that was about it. The alien was smiling. It was not a pleasant smile. "Is that really the best you could do?" It asked with what seemed like genuine curiosity that was tinged with mockery. Okora clenched her teeth and let out a growl as she held both of her hands out in front of her and a massive ball of Violet energy began to form. "LET'S SEE HOW YOU LIKE THIS!" She angrily shouted as she unleashed the energy blast. "MEGA EXPLOSION!" The alien's eyes widened for a brief moment before another smirk appeared on his face as he took the blast straight to the chest. The alien was laughing with what seemed like genuine delight as it extended both of it's hands and managed to [i]push[/i] her attack directly back at her. [i]Oh...This is gonna hurt.[/i] Okora didn't even have a chance to dodge or try to redirect the attack away from her before it slammed into her and slammed her into the ground. Okora screamed in pain as the attack continued to push her into the ground. She could feel her bones straining under the pressure and her body being burned by the attack. After a few moments, the ball of energy finally faded and Okora was left out cold in in the crater caused by her own attack. "That was the best you could do? I don't know why I expected more." The alien sighed heavily and flew off into the sky once again, most likely assuming the woman who had challenged him was dead. After a few minutes, Okora's eyes slowly began to open. She could barely see the alien with how far off he was in the distance but she knew she had to put aside the pain she was feeling. That [i]thing[/i] had wiped out an entire city with no provocation. After a few moments, she unsteadily rose to her feet and mentally assessed her condition. As far as she could tell, she didn't have any broken bones for which she was thankful, she had a large number of burns on her body and she felt weak after getting hit by her own attack. She took a deep breath and slowly rose into the air and began to follow the massive ki source. [i]So, I'm no match for him one on one. Well, I guess it's time to work on a plan. No time like when your rushing to your death to come up with a plan.[/i] She thought grimly as she took off into the sky.