[h2][center][color=BABABA]C H R O N I C L E R [/color] - [color=BABABA]R O W A N [/color][/center][/h2] [hr] Rowan scowled at her the moment she called him 'Kitty', [b]"I'm a man, [i]fatty[/i], just like any of you!"[/b] This was what 718 often told him, that they were Human too and nothing less. How many times did he need to remind them? Maybe he will just forgo making anaesthesia when it comes to treating Vic's wounds next time. [b]"Yeah I'm rea-"[/b] He replied to Jenzy, still staring, fuming, at the pudgy woman. Only to realize she was gone when he reached out beside him, he turned around in panic only to see her silhouette dive into some far off bush after a loud gunshot. [b]"Rats!"[/b] He cursed. She was too far for him to get over there without being seen AND she was alone, how did she ever become a Stalker being that reckless!? His thoughts raced as he glanced down at the mirror he left on the floor, spying the shadows scuttering about. [i]Shadows ...rodentia ....gloomy.[/i] His large eyes lit up, immediately he started digging into his bag of his contraptions and soon pulled out a small sack with a fuse wrapped around it. [b]"This better work."[/b] He mumbled, threatening the fates themselves. With another rectangular device that produced flame, he lit the fuse and held it for a few seconds. He eyed the metal cropping that stood over the enemy ranks and took a few steps back, mustering all the distance he could before leaping forward and throwing the sack against the bent bars! The paper sack burst into fire midair and slammed against the obstacle, releasing a shower of bright, almost blinding sparks that cascaded unto them. It would sting too, of course, making it difficult for any nocturnals to see --- but this was no explosive in the end and was put together from the remnants of bullet-making. Still. [i]Who said fire could not be a toy!?[/i] [hider=Actions attempted in this post:] Hinder (Chronicler Role Skill Variant) on foes to debilitate their next actions. 4,4,2,2,5,3,3,6 = 1 Success removed from their next actions. [/hider]