Sometimes, you were lucky. At times like those, perhaps a stranger would hop out of nowhere and throw a knife into the wolf’s leg, slowing it down so you could get some distance. Other times, you were unlucky. At times like those, perhaps a stranger would hop out of nowhere and throw a spear into your leg, slowing you down so you could lose some distance. Unfortunately, for Ewan and for (virtual) real life, bad things often outweighed the good, and the edgy nihilism that often plagued the status bars of online forums had more than just a couple kernels of truth in them. When it rained, it poured, and when life gave you lemons, trying to make lemonade out of it would only reveal that those lemons were lemon-shaped grenades. So for all the good done by the black-haired midget’s dagger toss, it was all erased when wuxia man’s spear drove itself into Ewan’s thin leg and almost cut it right off. A numbing paralysis shook through the halfling’s limb before he could even respond to it, and just as suddenly, the boy was falling towards the ground, his face smacking against a tree root. Tumbling twice, he barely managed a panicked yelp before the wolf was upon him, its own injuries superficial compared to his. There was no pain, really, there was nothing more than pin-pricks. If he had been calm, if he had even had time to remember his avatar had a whole host of abilities that could get him out of this situation, Ewan probably would have done something reasonably half-good. BUT THIS WAS A WOLF. AND IT WAS RIGHT IN HIS FACE. [b]“WAHHHHHGGGGHHHHHH,”[/b] went Ewan Berrybranch, the fair youth flailing his arms in terror. Each blow dealt single digit physical damage to the wolf, unfortunately, and for all his efforts, he got a bit, meaty chomp on his shoulder. Who's idea was it to go outside? Yup, definitely shoulda slept in even longer. [@Vulkan][@OliveYou][@Sync]