[center][h3][color=0072bc]Shaula[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] A person who had just moved into Lucky City might not know the name Shaula Yates. But then again, most of her neighbors didn't either. To them, Shaula was that strange woman down the street, who could sometimes be spotted putting up signs like "Research Roswell! Area 51 is real!" and "Are your politicians really who they say they are? Find out now, on the Truth Seeker Podcast!" As usual, the curtains of her house were drawn tight, and not a single light was on. A passerby on the street might have thought she had gone away. What the passerby would not have known, was that Shaula was currently hiding beneath her backyard in an underground bunker. However, that's assuming there would have been any passerby on a day like this. Inside the bunker, Shaula laid on her bed in darkness, listening to the static of the radio. All the other times she had slept in here, the radio had still been playing music when she woke up. But not this time. This time, it had really happened. She didn't want to think about how many people the meteor had killed or how many would die in the aftermath; all Shaula wanted to do was go back to sleep and pretend none of this had ever happened. But she had to be strong, and she had to keep going. After opening the vent and turning the generator's key, the bunker came to life, its lights flickering on while the air vent's fan got to work cleaning out the past night's stale air. Shaula was about to go to her desk, when she caught sight of her hand, still clutching the generator's key. Her hand had become completely transparent. Not only that, but her arm as well. She let her gaze travel up to her arm, then to her shoulder and chest, where she saw her entire body looked just like it were made of glass. Shaula slowly brought her finger to her palm, and it went straight through as though parting water. This had to be a dream. She ran to the mirror, where a transparent woman stared back at her with a look of pure horror on its face - this felt much too real to be a dream. [color=0072bc]"No... No... This can't..."[/color] She said, her mind racing through every possibility until it landed on the one she had been fearing the most. [color=0072bc]"Oh my god. It was them. What [i]is[/i] this!? What did they do to me!?"[/color] This was no accident; someone did this to her, and she had a terrible feeling in her stomach that told her she knew exactly who it was. Shaula ran to the bunker's ladder and tried to grab it, but it went straight through her hand just like her finger had. For a moment, she wanted to shout for help through the air vent, but there would be no one around to hear. The door in the ceiling now seemed much farther away than it had last night. Determined to get out, Shaula reached her hand out in front of her, focusing on the first rung of the ladder as she slowly closed her hand around it. This time it didn't pass through. Shaula carefully climbed the ladder before releasing each of the bunker's locks, pushing the door open and climbing out into her shed. The shed looked the same as she had left it last night: garden tools strewn about, a lawnmower taking up most of the room, and the bunker's entrance hidden by an old carpet. Shaula checked the area for any devices that would indicate their troops had been here, then she went outside to do the same. The area seemed to be clear, but that didn't prove anything. Only once Shaula was certain nobody was there did she notice the shouting and chaos in the street. Right now would be the perfect time to get back inside unseen, but she had to know what was happening - she had to know what had happened to her. Shaula sneaked around her house and saw a large hole that had been torn into its side, revealing her ransacked living room. Her TV and computer were missing, and the sofa had been ripped to shreds. Looking out into the street, none of her neighbors' houses had fared much better. Some had holes torn into them, while others had smashed windows or crashed cars in their walls. However, what scared Shaula the most wasn't the state of the city, but the creatures that had invaded it. A terrifying green monster with wings like a demon passed overhead, on a collision course with a creature that had just emerged from her neighbor's house across the street. Other creatures like it were dotted across the sky, some with feathers, some with scales, and others that looked more like giant, flaming birds. A plume of fire shot into the air a couple blocks away. Through the madness of it all, Shaula understood the truth. How could she have been so blind! Of course the meteor hadn't been their real plan! That's why they announced it on TV a week before! That's why they warned everyone! They [i]wanted[/i] the chaos; they [i]wanted[/i] the world to tear itself apart, for it to weaken itself so they could put their true plan into motion. The New World Order had unleashed demons across the world.