[center][h3] Otto von Habsburg [/h3][/center] As Grail and Od gave Hero form, Otto could only feel the surge of the powers at work pulse through him. He was simply the conductor to the vast amount of power being channeled into the physical in this room. The first glimpse of this miracle given form Otto was able to steal, was the amazingly awe-inspiring blue shimmer of two orbs piercing through the increasingly blinding light. It was beautiful. One of the few things in Otto's life that we could actually call true beauty. The golden hero from times ancient stood in front of him, proud and and full of unspoken grace. Clairvoyance allowed Otto to glimpse past the glorious surface, and glance the treasure trove beneath. It was not Gilgamesh, that much was certain. Instead of disappointment, however, Otto felt relief and pride. This Archer would be more than enough for Otto's own designs. Otto could feel it clearly, now that the immediate afterglow of the summoning had vanished. His Od was helping to sustain the golden being in front of him. The Od from the Bounded Field had done it's job well, leaving Otto feeling refreshed and still energetic, even after the summoning. His plan had worked perfectly, leaving a bit left for Otto to draw on himself, and redirect to his Servant. Exhaling deeply, from a breath Otto never knew he held in, the Mage drew himself straight, and stood proudly in front of his new Servant. The voice of Archer carried with it a power that Otto could feel in his very bones. A certain kind of nobility that was not lost on Otto. Meeting his Servant's eyes, Otto began to respond in an even-keeled and firm tone. "[b]Indeed, I am, Archer. My name is Otto of House Habsburg-Lorraine.[/b]" Otto began, now speaking in English. Pacing towards the study's desk, fixing the cuffs of his dress shirt as he did so. "[b]I've summoned you here to participate in this new Holy Grail War, and to win me the Grail.[/b]" Otto gently trace over his command seals with his other hand, turning his back slightly to Archer. His words seemed to be less of an order, but as if he was speaking from certain fact. A small vibration on Otto's wrist began to emit from his watch. Glancing down, Otto stopped the alarm he had set earlier that day. The guests would be leaving now, led out by the various staff and his entourage. Otto focused his hearing for a moment, cocking his head to one side. Sure enough, the gentle hum of motor vehicles and the din of leaving guests, that Otto had long pushed the noises from out of his mind, echoed from below. Soon, the estate would be left to only Otto's entourage that accompanied him to the States, and the couple of them. Retrieving his fashionable jacket, and donning it, Otto turned back to fully face Archer. Pressing his glasses up on his sharp face, Otto once again spoke up, "[b]If you'd like to offer your name, now, Archer, you may.[/b]" Otto spoke, firmly. While the Mage had a fairly educated guess on the identity of Archer, allowing the Servant to make his own introduction was the polite and respectful action to take.