Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! I knew this was going to happen once me and Jorick hit the Abortion topic! :P *Sarcasm* In all seriousness though, I'm Pro-Life. Have been for basically my whole life, but that stance has current had some shaking alterations and re-evaluations done to it which I will describe below. Mainly, I was always Pro-Life for one reason. I see the child into the mother to be a human life. I do not care if it cannot live on it's own yet, if it is not yet sentient. It is still growing, and developing. I love at it's stages of development in the womb the same way I look at someones stages of development once outside the womb. You wouldn't for example look at a newborn or a 2 year told and call their life less important or valuable than an adult's because they couldn't walk properly, share well, or talk well yet. They're still learning, they're still growing. You value them for being a human being and what they will be once they are fully grown. So with that in mind, I really cannot imagine/comprehend the act of Abortion as anything less than outright murder. Clarification: I do [u]not[/u] see the mother who did it as a murderer though. I understand the rationale others have behind it. I know they aren't going in and thinking "I'm going to kill an innocent life cause it's inconvenient to me". But I personally can really see the act itself as anything but that, even if that's not what's going on in the other persons head. Now... for such a stance you're probably wondering "What are these shaking alterations? How did you re-evaluate?". Well. That's when people approached it from angles I have never considered before, made comparisons I never even dreamed of. Angle's and comparison's such as: -We don't force people to donate organs to save lives after death. Why do we force women to give birth so a child may live? -Parent's are not legally obligated to run into a burning building to save their child, why do we expect them to give their life at times so a child is born? -If a human being in some odd situation became attached to another, and needed that other to live. They would would be allowed to disconnect the person, having that person connected is a violation of bodily rights. etc. So if anything, you could say I'm Pro-Life atm. But Pro-Life in a period of doubt and re-evaluating. Now, anyone here who knows me would know I enter these serious debate topics all the time simply out of enjoyment, interest and expanding ones mind. But lately abortion topics specifically I have also been going into just to gain more insight from the other side so I have more information to evaluate and hopefully come to a new and better conclusion with. I wouldn't even say it's that far off to predict I become Pro-Choice within a few months. I can't say for sure yet. Long story short, the thing keeping me on the side of Pro-Life is seeing that unborn child as a human life. I know there are scientific definitions people use for life such as ______ month, gains ability to do X etc. But I don't think life is something you can just define by how old it is or abilities it has at the moment. But rather than that specific individual will end up growing into. In other words, it's a pure moral stance/opinion. Not a stance/opinion that should be used in a legal case or anything of the like.