[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/e0HzH6F.png[/img][/center] [center][color=#9e0b0f][b][u]Azure City - City Streets[/u][/b][/color][/center][center][color=#9e0b0f][b][u]Interactions - [@Shard][/u][/b][/color][/center] Maksim had been living on the streets of Azure City for nearly two years. He had his run-ins with the local police, simply because he was a thief. They didn't seem to understand or care about why he was stealing. Usually, if Maks was lucky, he'd be able to maintain control and lose the cops before his powers kicked in and forced him to fight. Despite losing control and attacking the cops, he was usually gone before they drew their weapons on him. So standing in the alleyway, face to face with a stranger in his mask, and more importantly his pistol, made the young boy freeze in place. The usual look of determination and stubbornness that the boy held on his face, the look that he kept in an attempt to keep people away, was replaced with that of pure fear. Maksim, with one hand on the wall next to him as a balance, could not get his body to move a muscle. His eyes blazed a vibrant blue as his mutant powers threatened to take over. The figure eventually lowered its gun, but Maks didn't move.He couldn't tell its motive,but Maksim had no plans of moving, not that his body would let him. Fear of the pistol kept his limbs still, but stronger fear of the stranger kept Maks' mind and mutant powers on the edge.