"Sometimes they play doubles, but it's not like Quidditch teams," Sadie explained, before clicking her tongue in irritation. "It's so annoying. If I had a phone, I'd just show you a video. I'm seriously having withdrawals. I mean, don't get me wrong, magic is amazing, I'm happy to be here, but it's so frustrating being disconnected like this. It's going to be weird going back home for the holidays. I still haven't figured out what I'm going to tell my friends about where I've been." "I hadn't thought about that," Seine admitted, rubbing his chin. "My dad's a half blood, so we have some muggle stuff, but we don't really talk a lot with that side of the family." "Brennan made it [i]really[/i] clear we're not allowed to talk about this with our old friends. We can tell mum and dad, but that's it," Sadie said grimly. Brennan's old friends had stopped coming round the past few years. She couldn't blame them; from their perspectives, Brennan had ghosted them. Sadie was pretty sure it was going to happen to her as well, and she didn't much like that thought. Sadie pushed past it. That was a problem for future Sadie.