[center][h2]Caster ~ Alice[/h2][/center] "Ah..." Oh, this was not good! This wasn't good at all! Alice had only taken her eyes off her for a moment, and then she was gone! Vanished! Spirited away! They were supposed to go out for tea today, but how could they do that together if they were seperated like this? "No, no... Where are you? Alice can't find you!" The small girl Servant hurried down the street, her fluffy white hair bobbing around her agitated face. Where had Dorothy gone? She'd disappeared and left Alice all on her own... "Dorothy! Dorothy, Dorothy, come out wherever you are!" No answer. Oh, where could she be? Alice didn't want to be alone, and Dorothy was always there for her! Ah... She'd been so worried that she hadn't even been paying attention to where she herself was, so when she found herself on a crowded street outside a school... Oh, now she'd [i]never[/i] find her! No, no, never, not ever! However, it didn't take long for her to spot an opportunity. Yes, yes, those two girls, the kind of cute but plain looking brunette and the little redhead with a silly hat! They were wearing those weird armbands, which meant they had to be members of... Of... Well, Alice couldn't actually remember what they called themselves, but they helped out people! And since she needed help right now... "Um... Hello!" Alice said, rushing up towards them and curtsying. "You have to help Alice! Alice lost Dorothy! I don't know where she is and I need help finding her! Please help, please!" [@VitaVitaAR] [@RolePlayerRoxas]