[color=0072bc]"Sidekicks like you are proof that God hates main characters like me,"[/color] Tristan muttered, very much unamused towards the demon princess' comment. After all, with how much he had already dealt with through the curse that he called a life, who could a higher being possibly have any more contempt for than him? He didn't see anyone else having to live through an endless existence of the same monotonous adventure day-in and day-out. As Charlotte did what he said though, raising her hand and summoning forth her own inner fire to smite the weak creatures around him, Tristan moved to a nearby tree to lean against its trunk and watch the display of power. He watched with mild interest as the flames danced around her fingers, like a snake slithering through several obstacles, before coalescing at tip of her index. Then his vision went white. When he awoke, his body felt like it was on fire, every inch of him in immense pain. Then he realized that was because he had actually been set ablaze moments ago by the numskull he called a teammate, his entire body covered in burn scars. He'd felt much more intense pain before, but that didn't mean it didn't still hurt. [color=0072bc]"You absolute idiot,"[/color] she would hear his dry throat whisper out to her as he lied draped across her arms. [color=0072bc]"I've been stabbed in the back by a companion before, but you can't tell me that you're so careless to do that accidentally."[/color] Fighting against the pain, the hero would wave his burnt arm in front of his face, trying to swat away the message that had suddenly appeared before his eyes. [i]Level 2![/i] [color=0072bc]"Stupid interface. I don't care if I leveled up if it means being burnt to a crisp by my partner."[/color] It looked like quite the pathetic display as with how weak his injuries had made him and the fact that he hadn't attempted to stand up on his own. She had created this problem, so Charlotte would fix it. Or she could expect this partnership to not be a long lasting one, not with her burning literal bridges.