KALLEH!!!1!! *glomp/attackles/hugs* Of course you're welcome back, and of course you can use a re-made version of a patient from the last run. Pum is going to re-run Simone, I'm using Buck (but not Remy)... so would you hate me if I said I'm hoping you're re-writing McKenzie? (If it's Clay or Red, that's super cool too though!) I'm so excited that you and Pum are both back!! *does happy dance* @ Syblyx: Well, it's not that Xodus is especially demanding or anything, it's just that I consider him a very good writer/roleplayer as well as a friend, and if you're writing with him I'm confident I'd enjoy writing with you too. That's all. ^_^ The thing about [i]how[/i] Rak manifests the shadows is only important because I enjoy coming up with credible ways for the Institute to restrain/injure him. This ties in to your Shadowborn nurse, too. If the Institute has a way to deconstruct manifested shadows, possibly because Rak is not the first Shadowborn that's been housed there, then we don't need a special extra nurse to do this. Also, again, we prefer a "beating the patient into submission" approach, and would likely just laser the shit out of those shadows until Rak calmed down. I was about to refuse you the Shadowborn nurse completely, but I came up with a compromise... a compromise I can use later, for my own benefit, that should also be a fun collab for us. First, I am still disturbed by your lack of faith in the ability of the Institute to control their patients. Second, as Rak is more powerful than any of the other Shadowborn on his planet, a Shadowborn nurse shouldn't be able to defeat him on her own... especially if he's in such a state that all of my horses and all of my men can't put him back together again. (Do you see what I'm saying? Your nurse would have to be able to defeat him all on her own, which would make her like a god-level character.) The best I can offer is that the Institute already has a Shadowborn nurse on staff, who works in the Lower Complex, and who will be called in to consult after the first time Buck gets hurt trying to deal with Rak. We can collaborate on a small Character Sheet for her, and take turns writing her. We can discuss privately what my super-secret purpose for her is. ;) Deal? Also, I just sort of realized that this best-submission crap makes me look like a pompous ass. I don't want to discourage good players from applying because competition stifles their creativity or something. (Also, since I've just auto-accepted two Alumni, it's not really reasonable anymore lol.) I'm in the process of writing the IC opener right now, and will open the IC in six days. Syblyx, you seem like a reasonable and flexible player, and I like Rak. You're approved. Welcome aboard! [b]Everyone, if you'd like to submit a character sheet, please toss it at me. We have three patient spots still needing to be filled! The IC will open Friday, March 21st![/b]