Alright, I think we have a deal. Whenever I was making the nurse, I wasn't thinking of her as a god-level character, and now that I have given her a second look, I can agree with you. The main reason I was planning for a Shadowborn nurse was I had a huuuuuuuge plot twist in line for her, and I'll PM that to you, but nevertheless you are right. Anyways, I'll get into detail into his manifestations now. Besides his own shadows, the shadows he controls isn't a part of him. Firing lasers at them would do nothing, since he is only manipulating them (I guess it would prevent him from manipulating them). The more concentrated a shadow is, the more 'energy' it would have. By Rak manipulating the shadows around it, he can crate a dark enough point that the energy is powerful enough to rise off its surface. The point acts as a gateway for other shadows; if he creates the point and shadows pass through it they will be able to separate from the surface as well. The energy from the shadows isn't like electricity, as in by having shadows take energy, the original point doesn't lose energy. It's a bit complex to explain, but imagine a battery with 10V. If you were to use the battery to charge another battery, then it would lose the 10V and the other battery would gain it. However, the way the shadows work, both batteries would have 10V. The weakness to the solid shadows is that if the gateway point, as I will now refer to it as, is destroyed (With lasers etc.) then all shadows manifested through it dissipate. This could be an alternate way to stop his shadows from damaging others. Also, I don't have doubt in the Institute punishments. However, without proper precautions, it wouldn't be difficult for him to manifest a spike through another patient before the Institute would be able to shut him down, so I am trying to find a way for the Institute to immobilize him practically instantly. I guess that it may not be my area, so I may leave it to you to find torture methods ;). Thanks for letting me on board! I can't wait until we start.