The moment they locked eyes Hal jumped forward with dagger in hand. The soldier barely had the time to loosen his saber from his scabbard, but by then the other man was already on top of him. A flurry blows followed where both combatants took equal share of hits before breaking apart and circling each other, looking for a weak point in the other's defense. During the initial assault Hal had lost his dagger and now the soldier was pointing his own at Hal's throat. Deciding not to give his opponent the upper hand Hal launched again, feinting left before striking out from the right, knocking the blade aside. The fight moved back and forth, first the soldier lost some ground and then Hal was pushed backwards again. Eventually they bumped against the tub, the soldier used his weight and moment to throw Hal off of him, but his grip was too firm. The soldier toppled into the tub first with Hal on top of him. When the slashing finally ended the tub was half empty and the soldier's face was contorted in an eternal howl of fear and agony. His eyes had already lost their shine and there was blood at the corners of his mouth, the evidence that he had bitten his own tong. Panting hard Hal looked to where Kat was hiding, he looked like a half drowned dog. "We better move quicker than planned. I don't think he was alone around here."