[color=598527]Parvus[/color] ___ Dwelling within the Hive, Parvus was contemplating. He remembered that he could identify an object's creator by sensing a lingering essence. Thinking about it, he recognized how this could be troublesome in the future. However, with all of his contemplating and sensing, he had only obtained vague, ethereal insights. A pain swelled in his chest, a feeling that if he could not do something this simple, he was unworthy of his position. Calling upon experience, he attempted to hide his presence. When it failed, his chest felt tighter. His arm extended, and he nearly punched his tree before stopping himself. He attempted to calm himself, and he whispered a silent prayer. Once again, he attempted to hide his presence, but this time he shrouded himself with his power and willed it to vanish. After a few moments, it worked. He noticed imperfections with his technique. He would need to perfect it later, while this was important, he had a more urgent task at hand. He wandered into an empty, cavernous room of the Hive, and compelled all insects to leave. He sanctified the room. Wood sprouted from the walls and floor creating basic shelves, cabinets, and tables. Clay emerged from the wall and formed into ceramic jars, a cauldron, and a basin. The cauldron was enchanted to warm itself, and the basin was enchanted to refill itself with clean water. The clay began to shape itself, forming into a humanoid figure with four-arms. He dyed it blue with insect pigment and covered it in silk robes. He grabbed a hand full of soul ash and imbued it with knowledge. He embedded the soul ash into the construct and began to stir to life. After a few moments, the clay figure turned into a living being of flesh and bone. Parvus spoke this creature, [color=598527]”Are you aware of your situation.”[/color] The blue creature paused, and replied uncertainly, "I am Virgo. You are Parvus, my creator." Parvus continued, [color=598527]”Are you aware of your purpose.”[/color] Virgo responded, "To discover knowledge that may aid you." Parvus paused, and asked one final question, [color=598527]”Are you displeased by your situation or your purpose.”[/color] Virgo paused, and then replied, "I am not. I would wish to begin immediately." Parvus nodded. He waved his hand over a table, creating a bucket and ladle. He also created a silk strainer. Parvus said, [color=598527]”The insects of the hive are at your disposable.”[/color] Virgo nodded, and started to work as Parvus left the laboratory. Thoughts bounced around his mind, but he was still confused. However, he was driven by loyalty and curiosity. He noticed his clothing was white. He had a vague, implanted memory of Parvus easily creating a dye. He decided that his first project would be to create dyes. [hider=Might Summary] Starting: 5MP/8FP Ending: 0MP/8FP -2 MP: Ability to hide divine essence. -1 MP: Alchemy Lab Monument -2 MP: Created Hero: Virgo [/hider] [hider=Prestige Summary] Virgo Starting: 0P Ending: 1P +1P: Minor Role [/hider] [hider=Summary] Parvus was contemplating on the nature of divinity. While he was thinking about this topic, he remembered sense divine essence and presumed others could do the same. After getting angry due to stress and failing, he calms himself down and manages to learn to cloak his essence. Next, he created the alchemy lab and the hero, Virgo. Parvus made sure that Virgo was aware of what was happening, and was fine it and then left him to his work. Virgo decided he would start by creating dyes.[/hider]