Real name: Barbra Gordon Alias: Batgirl Age: 16 Appearance: [img=] Costume: ^ Abilities: [list] [*]Eidetic Memory: "ability to recall images, sounds or objects in memory with great precision"[/*] [*]Computer Expert: She is adept at hacking into databases and other tech related things[/*] [*]Athletics: Skilled at both gymnastics and self defense[/*] [*]Gadgets: Batarang, grappling hook, etc[/*] [/list] Personality: genius, naive, determined Brief bio: Barbra is smart enough to pursue any career she wanted, but always wanted to be a cop like her father, despite her father forbidding her to do so. One Halloween a party she was attending was attacked by Killer Moth who was looking to rob the place. Barbra was, conveniently enough, in a Batman costume. And thus Batgirl was born. Throughout her short career she would make several allies and enemies. Batman, most obviously, welcomed her into his circle and supplies her with gadgets and other supplies. Black Canary became somewhat of a mentor to Barbra after helping her in a fight with Killer Moth and Firefly. Barbra also developed a strong friendship with Kara Zor-El (aka Supergirl) and Donna Troy (aka Wonder Girl). Despite her age and eligibility, she never became a member of the Teen Titans. In fact, the only group she was ever affiliated with was the Birds of Prey, and even then she was only a temporary member. Note: This version of Batgirl is before the whole Killing Joke / spinal cord damage thing happened.