[center] [b]Death Eaters[/b][/center] The normally bright red sky begin to take on a darker hue as the sun started to set on the horizon. The Class-D sun dipped behind a crest of mountains, creating a kind of twinkle effect, with two red spouts of light extended across the mountains ranged. As if the sun was covering it with wide arms. It was not quite night yet, but light was fast fading, even so, few would take much notice of the peculiar dark spec in the sky that was slowly growing in size and detail. It might have become visible to those on the ground with sharp eyes as it burst through the cloud cover of acidic mist that normally covered the world. Leaving behind a small round whole in the clouds above which already was fast closing. The spec above, now reveling itself to be a sort of craft was already descending with alarming speed but perfect control. As it neared the ground, it momentarily vanished behind a ring of debris that marked the beginnings of a massive grave yard of torn metals and broken pieces of various machines. The craft was sliver dark grey hue, and seemed perfectly smooth, shaped vaguely like a seed of a sort. It reflected no light from the slowly setting sun however, but like everything else around it, cast lengthening shadows. It hovered over a clearing of wreckage that was mostly free of scraps of metal. When it was only a couple feet off the ground, legs extended from beneath it, and softened the crafts landing. It sank partly into the broken earth but found purchase. Impossibly, while there had been no indication of any lines or other hints of an opening. A part of its underbelly opened and a ramp extended down to the trash rich planet floor. Out of the alien craft came three figures garbed head to toe in what could only be described as battle armor. They varied in height, but the tallest among them was no greater then 6 feet. The were heavily armed, so it seemed, each carrying cross shaped weapons. But no ammo could be seen prepped on the end of the devices. Their crosses also seemed bent back, more like arrows then crosses, as if they were readied for a shot. They were all masked and hooded, concealing their faces from prying eyes. They moved with uncanny grace, producing no sound at all with practiced step, even though logic demanded their foot falls at least make a light 'thud' on the ramp seemingly made of metal. The fanned out and crouched at the bottom of the ramp, each raising his own crossbow and facing a different direction. The one in the middle, the tallest, possibly their leader. Raised a clutched fist into the air level with his head. Quickly but also just as silently moving, four more exited the craft down the ramp. The scanned their surroundings with careful watchful eyes hidden behind their visors, as six more followed in their wake. The last figure descended the ramp like a shadow given shape. The leader of the group was now standing at the ramp's bottom, as if waiting. Clad in black like the rest, but tellingly thinner and less heavily armed or armored, the figure exited the ramp and stood before the tall specimen. A discerning eye would easily tell this one held a feminine figure unlike the others. Quick hand signs between the two followed, then the women nodded and moved to the edge of the ring the group had made. The ramp was pulled up into the craft, and moments latter, by some trick of light or another, it seemed to vanish as if it had never been there to begin with. The silent hunters then dispersed. They knew their objective. Shenestra the Huntress knew her objective as well, and it would be decidedly less exciting then that of her comrades. Hidden behind the wreckage of some heavily armored vehicle, resembling a kind of tank without wheels. She watched the dark figures stalk their way across the broken land. Moving with careful yet purposeful steps, toward a settlement crowned atop a small incline. The hunters had a simple task in the name of their ancient order. One that would hopefully help starve off the inevitable exciton of their entire race. They had learned of Mystique some time ago in their ever continued march through the Multiverse. Once more they had learned of the being who lived here. Their skill and ability in Technomancy, rare masters of the art much like the Death Eaters themselves. Or at least masters they had once been, before the fall, before their knowledge had been lost forever. Now however, that would all change. It was here they hoped to learn the arts from the Mystans had harbored on this world. Many raids were even now taking places on small enclaves around the planet. Their purpose for once, not to destroy but to capture alive as many of the planets inhabitants as they could. That was the responsibility at least, of her brethren, her's was to infiltrate the settlement before hand, and disarm or sabotage whatever defenses they possessed. It would a simple task, for even now darkness fell, that short twilight before the sun fully set. Making now the prefect time to strike, where the shadows were at their longest. That was the plan at least, Shenestra thought. What they had learned of this planet had also included sparse information of other strange horrors that stalked the night. So the inhabitants would be at their most wary, but they would be waiting for the strike of mechanical beast, not the silent steps of her kin. It wast he confusion soon to follow that they hoped to exploit. She moved with ease over and often under debris scattered across the land. She dashed under a low hanging beam then, leaped over a turned over pillar. She already felt the oppressing aura that hung heavily in this place. Shenestra only smiled warily. Her Death Eater technology at least would not be hindered in this place, for it relied already on the principles of Mystan technology. Albeit, on a very different prospective of the art. As if summoned by her thought, the spirit within her Wrist Gauntlet rang a warning in her minds ear. She froze behind a turned over vehicle of a kind and waited. She switched her visor imaging to ENVG, and motion detection, to compensate for the lack of lighting. Though her own natural sight was able to pierce the darkness easily enough. Soon enough she, first heard, then saw what her ever alert slaved spirit had warned her of earlier. The laughter of children could just be faintly heard, over the otherwise fairly quiet landscape. Something that would soon change no doubt. Clothed in shadows and peering through the a gaping hole in under side of the vehicle. Shenestra observed what looked to be three- no four humanoid figures, along with what looked to be three droids or pets. One of them was significantly larger than the other three who followed. Switching vision modes again, she discovered that her guess had been mostly right. The three of the four seemed to be children, hardly into their teens, the larger figure however did not seem to be a Mystan of any kind. In fact she was certain he was no sentient organic, as a quick configuration of her visors further acknowledged it as a sort of automaton. Of what make or design it was, no further information was forth coming. She was not surprised at the automatons presence here. After all considering the planet she was presently on they were likely a common sight. The small group was of no importance to her or her mission, but they were heading toward the same settlement. The Skull-Visor revealed they were no more then 300 feet, or 91.44 meters away. It would prove a simple task to shadow this group to the settlement, They might even provide her with easy access. With a quickly tapped command on her wrist Gauntlet, Shenestra being suddenly seemed to have vanished from existence. As she was temporally placed in a pocket dimension. The world around her took on a pale greyish hue, and seemed to her like she was looking at it as if from behind a stained glass. Even if someone possessed some means of seeing thermal pattens or the like, they would find it irritably impossible to discover her presence until she revealed herself again. She could not remain this way for long however, so she wasted little time in following the iron man and his company...