[@Aviaire] Smiling, Rhea was glad that Liors had come and tried rescuing her, but she also felt guilty that she was trying to use her bare hands to dig up the dirt around her, obviously grimacing as she did so. Shaking her head, Rhea looked at Liors and said, [color=FA8072]"No no, don't do that, I don't want you to get covered in dirt as well, but thank you for coming to my aid though, I appreciate it,"[/color] giving a small but sad laugh. Resting her chin on the ground, Rhea wished she could have comforted Liors as she could tell she was growing increasingly red and seemingly nervous. She was also frustrated that her speech was basically dragged through the mud as the others doubted her charisma skills, though as she was thinking about this, William had darted over to Liors and told her to summon a shovel to he could start digging them out or somethin' like that. [Color=FA8072]"Wait what? What's happening? Liors you can summon things? That's cool, I can sorta do the same thing, but not really, it's more of a puppeteer kinda thing, but now I'm getting side tracked, what's the plan?"[/color] Rhea spoke quickly, turning her head from side to side.