Brakes smiles, picking up the ale. "How much do I owe for this refreshment?" He chuckles at the naive minds of the suspicious people surrounding him. "Come on. I'm not as scary as all that, am I?" He looks up, his clouded eye and demonic red one boring into the barman. "Why, I haven't even done anything yet." He takes a long, deliberate draft from his ale, staring at the crowd. He doesn't blink once. He rests one hand, casually, on the hilt of his blade. His tail whips around, and he chuckles again. He speaks up, addressing the crowd. [i]"Who here thinks they can out-drink a demon spawn? Step up, one and all. If [b]anyone[/b] succeeds, I'll buy a round for the victor."[/i] He grins, looking at the barman.