[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181213/e7ee06aabe31000838676e80291cb0ae.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/inneFSZ.jpg?1[/img] [color=#FFDF97]"[color=#7834FF]It's not that simple.[/color]"[/color][/center] [hr][sub][color=#FFDF97][right][b]Location: Dorm Floor [/b][/right][/color][/sub] [sub][color=#FFDF97][right][b]Interaction: Upstairs people [/b][/right][/color][/sub][hr] [indent][color=#FFDF97]As Seoyeon couldn't keep still at all during that whole endeavor. She stared at her phone moving her [i]Bitizens[/i] up and down elevators as she waited for the paramedics to arrive. The door slammed opened and Seoyeon pushed herself off the wall, thinking it was the paramedics she was instantly disappointed to see that it was just some blonde guy she didn't know the name of, she sees him in the halls sometimes but she never bothered to check his name nor did she care that much since he wasn't in her social group. He then turned to her and yelled at her to call an ambulance. Seoyeon was already uneasy which made her response a bit more aggressive than usual, "[color=#7834FF]Asshole, I already called an ambulance, what makes you think I wouldn't?[/color]" She had quite a bit of tone in her voice to prove that she didn't want to take any of this shit today, she was a third on the way to drunk and there's some bleeding chick on the floor; so it really isn't the time to fuck around or act like the biggest fish in the sea. The look on his face kind of lowered her anger a bit since there was something else, there were traces of blood on his hands, and it was either he was the one doing this or this girl wasn't the only one. She backed off, but she made sure her earlier statement was heard pretty well since Seoyeon isn't the type of person to forget about what she says previously. Lily then added her statement about calling the ambulance for the girl earlier, who should be here by now. The girl wasn't looking good at all, she looked tenser than a tight rope with an elephant on it, and her eyes looked as vacant as ever- Suddenly two men rush in; they both wore those things paramedics wore so they were probably them. The taller one, went to check on the girl and the other grabbed the gurney and laid it flat on the ground. The taller one was a Caucasian male with dark hair and a beard while his friend was an African american with short hair and much larger muscles. The muscular one stayed with the girl, then the taller one walked up to Seoyeon and said "[color=00aeef]She's fine, just fainted. Make sure she stays hydrated over the next few hours, and she should be back to it by tomorrow, easy. Don't drink underage, it's not a good idea. Someone could've called the cops.[/color]" Seoyeon then looked at the man in confusion and replied "[color=#7834FF]Whoa whoa, it can't be that simple, aren't you supposed to take her to the hospital or something?[/color]" She asked, the man then turned to his buddy who shook his head at Seoyeon's reply, then proceeded to fold the gurney. "[color=00aeef]You kids should be able to take care of her, it's only a concussion.[/color]" Said the man. Seoyeon shook her in anger and grabbed the man by the collar, she looked up at him and angrily spoke "[color=#7834FF]Concussion my ass! She's bleeding! So you better take her to the fucking hospital or I'll fucking put you in the hospital I swear to god![/color]" Seoyeon yelled, the girl clearly wasn't okay and these two idiots don't know what they're doing. The tall paramedic pulled away, and scoffed at Seoyeon, he turned to his buddy and they just stared at each other. "[color=00aeef]Let me call dispatch.[/color]" The man replied annoyingly as he walked out the door while his buddy stayed. [/color][/indent]