[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/calligraphy-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190406/9439aae5e7f2dbc32e78c34918a454d0.png[/img][/url][/center] The year X792 had only just begun when Zane decided to start his own guild, White Gull. The name would represent the goal he had in mind, which was freeing every innocent human being from the dark guild Catamount. The inhabitants of the island Kaia had suffered for such a long time that some couldn't even remember anymore how the good times were. Catamount had gone too far and Zane knew that he wasn't the only one who thought that way. The problem was that most people were too scared to try and change the situation they were in. Even the people who could use magic were to scared to train and grow stronger. It took him a long time to convince some of the mages to join his guild, but finally he had convinced enough people to hold their first meeting. Most people wouldn't even know each other, but maybe that was for the best. That way they would be able to start with some strangers building a new home for themselves instead of solving issues. His eyes were gazing at the glowing stars high in the sky. The day of the first gathering had finally arrived. Well, actually one could better call it 'the night' instead of 'the day'. It was too dangerous to do something like that in broad daylight. If Catamount knew about it, they would destroy every single human being who was even thinking about joining White Gull. Besides, most mages that would come to the meeting were probably beginners, so at that moment none of them would even come close to a member of the dark guild. It had to be kept a secret between the inhabitants of Kaia. It was a beautiful night, perfect for the occasion. Zane could hear some of the Forest Vulcans making sounds, but he was far enough to avoid getting noticed by them. While sitting on one of the rocks, his left hand reached for the small notebook he had been carrying in the pocket of his pants. Of course it was too dark to be able to draw anything, but just looking at some of his own drawings with the light that the stars gave him calmed him down. He'd had nightmares several nights in a row. Some told him that no one would show up, while others told him that Catamount knew about the secret. Some even told him that the members of his new guild would be fighting all the time or that they would be too weak. A deep sigh left his throat. Nothing would be gained by him losing trust in his own ideas and the people he had asked to help him achieving his goal. He needed to have trust in his new family... and in himself. His white hair was dancing in the wind, while his glance moved to the path, which was several meters further from where he was sitting. Never did he know that the forest was such a beautiful place. It would be perfect to gain inspiration for creating new beings. Even though the island wasn't big, he had never been there. When his parents were still alive, they always told him to stay away as far as possible from the forest. Several years had passed since they died, but he couldn't go against their will, so he kept on staying away from that place. Well, until the night of the first gathering. His shoulder was still hurting from the work he had done that day and he had a hard time keeping his eyes open. The others would probably be just as tired he was. Would they even do the effort to come to the forest at that hour while being so exhausted? Maybe they would prefer to stay in bed. He had noticed that some of them were pretty enthusiastic about his plan, but he couldn't decide how important it was for them to take part in it. He had a hard time trusting people, even the most innocent ones. Would that mean that being a leader didn't suit him? He sighed deeply for a second time. He couldn't think that way. He simply couldn't. He needed to have faith... for his father, for his mother, even for his dead twin brother. He pulled the drawing of Hunter out of his pocket and stared at it for quite some time. Deep in his heart he wanted to summon him, but he knew that he would probably pass out if he did so. It wasn't the time to become sentimental, he needed to keep his cool. The others could be there any minute. He closed his eyes for a second to calm himself down and put the drawing and the small notebook in his pocket again. [color=silver]'Have trust, have trust,'[/color] he kept on whispering to himself, [color=silver]'have trust, have trust.'[/color]