[center] Six Coins Rider[/center] Eiffel Tower - Comforting his Master [@Indra] [hr] Rider was stunned for a moment. He certainly wasn't expecting his Master to come on to him like this and it was altogether unsettling. However, he knew that something like this, at least as little as a simple kiss, was both necessary and reasonable of his Master to ask of him. So after a moment's hesitation he conceded and gave her a kiss, just long enough to sate her before pulling away, embarrassed. [color=fff200]"Please refrain from getting yourself in such a position again if possible, Master. While it's my duty to protect you, I'd prefer to keep our relationship as platonic as possible."[/color] He shook his head to clear his thoughts. [color=fff200]"I feel we should use this night to garner allies from the other Masters. My Noble Phantasm works best with allies, after all. Tomorrow we can get that bike you want me to use, but for tonight let's search around and see if we can't befriend anyone. I'll leave it to your discretion where we go." [/color]