[b][i][u]Location: Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine[/u][/i][/b] [b][i]BGM: Ranch at Night starts playing again[/i][/b] Kaito: Actually, we're leaving too. I gotta take Kiragi and Lucent home. Xaizor: At least grab a bite before you guys go. Kaito: Eh, thanks, but we better get going soon. We won't hear the end of it from Lady Amara already. Kiragi: Yaaawn... I'm kinda sleepy... Reimu: I can sort of know why. Well, best if you guys go on your way then. Jin: Feel free to come back whenever! I'll make sure to train you with those chakrams! Reimu: This isn't a training center, Jin. Kaito: We'll make sure not to bother much. In any case, let's get going, you two! Lucent: S-Sure. Kiragi: Okay... Lucent: U-Umm... thank you, miss. F-For saving me back then... Reimu: It was nothing. Just make sure to recover well. Lucent: Y-Yes... [i]Kaito, Lucent, Kiragi and the Sprites left the shrine.[/i] Reimu: ... Jin: You want me to go with them so you won't be worried? Reimu: Would it be too much to ask if you go? Jin: Make sure to leave dinner for me, alright? Reimu: Got it. Jin: Well then, I'm off. Since I don't know if you two are going to stay here, it was nice to meet you, girls. [i]Jin left after Kaito and the others to take them back to the orphanage. Even if Kaito knew how to fight, Lucent was still injured a little and Kiragi had almost no energy, so having him with them would make Reimu less worried about possible attacks from Doremy or other enemies.[/i] Xaizor: That guy seemed really strong. The redhead one. Reimu: That's Jin. Like me, Alice and Cookie, he's acquainted to your father. Xaizor: Really? He must be pretty strong then! Reimu: You do remind me of Jin a little, Xaizor. How you two are so impulsive to resolve everything with your fists and swords. Xaizor: Heh! That's how the Black Dragon Knight resolves things! I don't speak words, I speak swords! Marina: And that is why you are completely useless without me. [i]Marina and Cookie arrived at the group. Their plan was to call them for dinner, but Marina decided to speak her part about Xaizor, as always.[/i] Xaizor: Don't call me useless!! Marina: Of course I will. Without someone to hold you, you might end up in danger. Also, you are so uncouth that if I do not take actions, you might embarass me and you. Xaizor: Tch... at least I'm not a boring, schtick-lover. Marina: Excuse me?! Reimu: *sigh* OK, OK, that's enough. Cookie: The table is ready. Where's Jin? Reimu: I asked him to take some people back to their home. He'll be back soon enough. Cookie: Alright then. Let's go inside and eat. [b][i][u]Location: World Crossers Guild - Underground Lab[/u][/i][/b] Lilina: I see. If that's the case, then I have a request to make. 5T: And what that would be? Lilina: I would like to join the Guild. 5T: Wait, what?