[quote=thegreenleafe] Eoin recoiled back from a mixture of suprise and fear as the cat talked. In this world there are many things that are strange and frightening, and to Eoin, the white talking cat definitely was one of those things. A little unsure of himself the elf spoke, "Well, Miss Cat, I was hoping to start and fund an expedition to find the Well of Wishes." This alien species of cat inquired about the Well as well. To that Eoin told her the part of the legend word for word, "Far, far on the eastern edge of the known world stands Lemea, There is said, that somewhere north from the Lacremia Mountains stands, The Well of Wishes, which is said to grant any wish that those which reach it may have. Lured by such promise thousands of people, marked as adventures, Leave for Lemea, with only a few returning from the journey..." The cat which he soon learned was called a Felysian and the Felysian seemed quite interested into to his ale. He offered the cat the drink by pouring it into the presumable empty tankard. All Eoin said was, "Try it" [/quote] Nya was sitting calmly on the counter as the two-legged creature spoke, it spoke of some kind of artifact, one that can fulfull wishes. Which was of course quite interesting, but not as interesting as Human engineering. It seemed it wanted to go and find this artifact. Which was of coruse pretty interesting, and might even prove to be useful in the future. Too bad it was a "fountain", a structure that cannot be brought along with a person. Or maybe it could be? In any case Nya was offered the weird drink. After smelling it she confirmed it smelled quite odd, and somehow foul. Still, two-legs drank this and didn't die, so it couldn't be poison. In any case, Nya drank two or three kitten sips of it, confirming that the taste is quite strong and odd. "Hmm, thiss drrink tastess quite... weirrd." The kitten then pushed away the dish with the rest, since the drink was not very pleasant. "Now two-legs, wherre is this... Fountain... It sounds quite... Intrriguing."