[centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190415/e948761f3a7abc12dab9f2dc7607d76e.png[/img][/centre] Jasper just fucking ran. Apparently logic wasn't something he understood. Zienaknuen guessed he didn't like not being in control. Must have liked being the most informed person in the room, and whenever someone went over his head, he lost his mind. To be fair, threatening to turn his femur into dust may have been a bit much, but he desered it, calling in whatever strike teams in on the school. Zienaknuen heard footsteps and wings approaching behind him, as he watched Jasper sprint away. He turned to see Alexander and Angel. [color=7B68EE]"Morning."[/color] He said with a cheery dispostion. [color=7B68EE]"I assume your looking for the lunatic."[/color] He said gesturing over his shoulder at Jasper running off into the distance. [color=7B68EE]"Oh, I'm sorry. Lunatic isn't the word I meant to use. So insensitive to Werewolves. Who are actually effected by the lunar cycle."[/color] He said, as he remembered that the term lunatic actually had its origins from people who behaved oddly under a full moon, and was likly a result of Werewolve trying to stay hidden in the past. [color=7B68EE]"Would you like me to grab him?"[/color] He said gesturing back to Jasper who had tripped over and was getting back up. [color=7B68EE]"Or are you here for me?"[/color] He asked, placing a hand over his heart to gesture to himself. [color=7B68EE]"I'm Zienaknuen by the way. I request you call me that, until we get to know each other."[/color]