[center][hr][h3]Archer [sup][sup][i]Tristan -- The Knight of Lamentation[/i][/sup][/sup][/h3][b]Current Location:[/b] Latin District -- Engaging in Combat[hr][/center]"Hmm?" Tristan was surprised by Ywain's usual brashness. For a man who had patiently defended his lady's property for as long as he did, discarding his protections in favor of an all out offensive like this was rather uncharacteristic. This was something to expect of Mordred, or even Gawain, nevertheless, it worked well in Tristan's favor. If he could exploit it just a bit more maybe a killing blow wouldn't be as impossible as the Knight of Lamentation thought. Ywain's eager thrust would find no purchase in Tristan. The difference in both of their speed and agility was just enough that a strike like that was easy enough for the Archer to predict. Instead of that, Tristan burst away again, the pressure of the wind generate by both of their movements was enough to blow away anything that wasn't bolted to the ground in the streets and back alleys the crossed, not unlike a hurricane ravaging the streets Paris. For every step that Tristan took backwards one of Failnaught's strings was pulled. Some of the "arrows" sought to hit Ywain, aiming at the gaps of his armor. Calves, wrists, waist, neck, all of the were targeted; each "shot" meant to kill or disable, without a hint of mercy spared even for an old friend. The other "arrows" that didn't target Ywain directly formed an ever increasing labyrinth of razor sharp strings each and every one capable of turning a Servant into shreds with but a single touch. Their intention was simple, to trap Ywain. Restrict his movements, make him an easier prey as he had to choose between running into a string or defending against a shot. However, above all else, they were meant to say that "from this point forward there was no coming back". The moment Ywain chose to cast off his defenses and follow Tristan into a tight, labyrinthine space, victory was assured for the Knight of Lamentation. Now, it was just a matter of actualizing it. [hr][center][b]Going towards:[/b] Fighting still[/center][hr] [@SubjectVision][@Danchou][@SSW]