[hider=My Character] [b]Name: [/b] [indent]Aniella Kyara Pavia, AKA ;; Nell/Ella/Yari[/indent] [b]Species:[/b] Ragdoll [indent]The Ragdoll is a species in very close relation to the Zombie, but higher up in the evolutionary chain, with all the mental and emotional capabilities as a human, but a much, much greater physical strength than even the strongest human being, regardless of size, age or stature. The strength of the Ragdoll can be matched on par with that of a humans average perception of a Vampire, when provoked. Temperaments, personalities and attitudes vary exponentially between different Ragdoll's – it is entirely dependant on the person you were before you became a Ragdoll. That's right; everybody is something before they are a Ragdoll – a human being, to be exact. The chance of becoming a Ragdoll depends on the means in which you die as a human being. Once a person passes away, their souls are passed over, and reborn in another universe; something of a 'nether-world' or a 'nexus', where they are then condemned to live out eternity in this forsaken state. The Nexus that the Ragdoll's are reborn into is the twin of the Human plane, a supernatural layer over the human one allowing all means of supernatural creatures and incarnations to inhabit. This Nexus is the supernatural world where all of these beings are forced to live out their 'lives'. You may be wondering “Why is it called a Ragdoll, though?” Well, the answer is simple, the Ragdoll's are Un-dead, patchwork people, and in order to survive, this Species must harvest the skin of other living creatures in order to keep themselves living. Usually, in the Nexus, a Ragdoll would not need to replenish their skin for many months. Unfortunately, the Ragdoll in this story was not so fortunate- Well, as fortunate as you can be as a human reborn as a creature forced to harvest the skin of other creatures in order to survive. No, the Ragdoll in this story was not reborn in the Nexus, for reasons unknown the Ragdoll in this story was reborn in the plane she was killed in; the human plane. Due to the oxygen and atmosphere density of the Human plane (or at least, this is what it has been chalked up to), the skin of the Ragdoll does not last so long, a few mere days at most. If not replenished soon enough, the skin will rot and fall away, and before long the Ragdoll will incapable of moving, defending itself, but also incapable of dying. When a Ragdoll gets into this state, the only way out of it is for someone else to stitch on the fresh skin for them, which, as you can image, will be near-impossible in the human plane. [/indent] [b]Gender: [/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b]Age: [/b] [indent]Died at the age of 18, but has been un-dead for five years – therefore 23 years old. [/indent] [b]Mental Illness:[/b] [list] [*]Body Dysmorphic Disorder [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_dysmorphic_disorder]| x |[/url] - Aniella's main point of distress with her body (aside from, obviously, her entire body), is her face; during her dismemberment, she was sliced with a barbers knife from mouth to ear on either side; earning herself a rather horrific 'Chelsea Smile'. Due to her skin needing replenished every few days, it is entirely possible to remove this flaw completely. However, for some reason unknown to Nell, the surgeons at Osmonds find it fitting to ensure that no matter what skin colour she may wear; she will always have her scars, and the only way for her to keep them covered is to cover her face with her hair, as Nurses seem dead-set against allowing her a scarf to hide her face. [/*] [*]Dissociative Fugue [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissociative_fugue]| x |[/url] - Ever since being diagnosed with DFS, Aniella has wholeheartedly believed this is the reason she is still alive. The times when she enters the Fugue State can be random, with no apparent triggers or warning bells, however it has been noted that 7/10 when Nell enters this state, it is because her Ragdoll body is going into 'Auto-Pilot'. For her species, the Fugue State acts as a sort of self-preservation technique, where Aniella is no longer aware of what she is doing with her body - this allows her to Harvest the skin she needs to survive without fear or guilt. The Guilt and disgrace upon herself does return as soon as she is relieved of the Fugue state, and this is an incredibly distressing time for Aniella. However, due to being in Osmonds institute, she has had no episodes of entering a Fugue state, and Nell believes this is because she does not have to Farm her own skin, so her body never gets into the 'Danger Zone', if you will.[/*] [*]Inferiority Complex [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferiority_complex]| x |[/url][/*]- Aniella never, ever, feels herself above anybody. In Nell's mind, she's at the bottom of the bottom of the food chain, the lowest of the low and she has no right to speak or do anything with anybody else. Because of this she finds it very stressful to communicate with other people, and when she can, its always a task for Nell, worrying if what she'll say will offend or hurt someone. Most of the time she will try to keep as unnoticed as possible.[/list] [b]Appearance:[/b] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/1KXPGt3.jpg[/img][/center] [indent]Aniella stands at a somewhat average height of 5 ft 4 in and weighs around 8 ½ stone. A key feature of this small-of-stature Ragdoll are her deep, emerald green eyes that, nine times out of ten are watery with tears ready to brim over down her pale, undead cheeks. She has long, mahogany brown hair, which is naturally straight and sleek. Through her life, Aniella has refused to so much as trim it, and never so much more as when she became Ragdoll; using her hair to hide her now-horrific features. Despite being a Ragdoll, Aniella's natural skin colour is a deep, liquid caramel shade from the years of growing up in the sun. However, because Aniella's skin is rarely her own due to her unfortunate race and affliction; it is impossible to tell what skin type she will wear from one week to the next. It can vary from the dark skins of the African Americans to the pale whites of the English; it is completely by chance of the fresh, bloodied skins that staff stitch onto her. Aniella has a slightly athletic build due to years of horseback riding and outdoor extra-curricular activities. She is slim, but has quite fair muscle definition on her calves, thighs, upper arms and abdomen; which can be seen on occasion when her skin is left to rot and fall away.[/indent] [b]History: [/b] [indent]Born on the 23rd of January, 1990, on a cold winter night in a specially designed birthing room in her home villa, situated just five miles out of the thriving City of Palermo, Sicily, Italy - Aniella Pavia was the first born daughter after two brothers. She was the treasure of the family, a jewel loved by her entire family, and from the day she was born, Aniella was showered in gifts and offerings from relatives around the world. Aniella has never been short of anything; she's always had everything she could have ever needed, thanks to her highly successful parents. Her mother, a once well established worldwide supermodel, and her father; an General Official in the Italian Air Force. Because of the demanding requirements of her father's job, Nell never got to see him very often. He came home when he could, on holidays, but in her entire life, she's only seen him a total of 40 times - on holidays. Her mother retired from her Modelling job after Aniella was born, finally making the decision to dedicate her time and money to her three children. Growing up around her two older brother; Gavino - 23, and Nico, 18, people expected her to grow into something of a tomboy. They expected her to be interested in sports and become 'one of the boys'. Everyone had expected that her brother would 'harden' her up, and make her resilient to the outside world. This wasn't the case, in fact it was the opposite. Her brothers protected her from everything - they became her best friends and her body guards. Because of her older siblings, Ella lived a very sheltered and protected lifestyle. She never had any boyfriends, and the friends she did have stayed close with the brothers. All in all, Aniella had a very good upbringing, she was taught manners and although she always had everything handed to her, she never became greedy, or spoiled. When not in school, she spent her time with her brothers, on their land riding their horses. Private instructors would come twice a week, and she would have lessons in Show Jumping. This was a sport she excelled in, and earned many rosettes and trophies. As well as this, in her spare time she took up what he mother had let go - Modelling. She had the talent, and the face and genes, and to be honest, she enjoyed it. Her reserved personality made beautiful pictures, and her extra-curricular activities gave her something to do other than socializing with other people. Aniella was a somewhat sociable person, though. Sometimes. While at school she had two close friends, Emilie and Bianca, with whom she spent her break time and lunch with. On occasion they would come around and spend time at her familys villa; but only when they would call and ask to come over. Ella never invited them, she was always too timid. When Aniella was fourteen years old, she was taken home early from school by her oldest brother, Gavino, and proceeded to return to her room after feeling sick and faint. On her way to her room however, Ella was distracted by sounds from her mothers room. Confused, she investigated, only to find her mother in bed with another man. A man who was not her father. Her shocked gasp revealed her location, and the couple were quickly apart and covered up within minutes. Ella, on the other hand, had fled to her bedroom, to afraid of a confrontation. Her mother appeared later, and sat with her in her room. Her mother, Gina, explained to the young, shaken up Aniella that the reason for her unfaithfulness was that women had urges - urges that could only be filled by a male. She reasoned that her father was not there to help with the urges and so she had been forced to find an alternate male for the time being. Confused, Ella nodded, wishing the conversation would end, and willing herself to forget she had ever witnessed anything at all. Gina asked for Ella to not say anything, and Ella promptly agreed. It wasn't until one year later, when Aniella was fifteen years old that her father came home from his placement overseas. He was not an unintelligent man, and it did not take him long to figure out that something was not quite right with his wife. He asked Aniella what was wrong, and too scared to upset or disappoint her father, she revealed her secret about the affair. Her parents were divorced only seven months later. During the months following her parents divorce, a custody battle took place, and custody was handed to Aniella's mother - due to her fathers career, he was deemed unsuitable to look and care for children. This frightened Ella, as since the revelation, her mother had been cruel to her. She had begun saying things about her, and talking about her to her new boyfriend. As a form of punishment for revealing the secret of the affair, Aniella's modelling career was put to a stop, and all of her twenty three horses but one was sold to dealers throughout Palermo. Her one and only horse that remained was withdrawn from all it's upcoming competitions and she was restricted to only being allowed to see and ride it once a week, after she had done the work for her new to-be-step father. It was six months later, when Aniella had just turned eighteen, when the worst hit. Despite her punishments, things had fallen into a sort of routine, and she had adjusted - things were looking up. She was getting on with her life, and looking forward to when she would be able to move out and in with her biological father. However Ella was not destined to be so lucky. It was May, 2009. Her mother was out, and Aniella was home alone, in the stables with her horse, grooming it for her afternoon lesson. The car that had driven up the driveway had alerted Aniella to the unusual presence, and she had simply assumed it was her instructor come early. Making her way up the driveway, horse in hand, Aniella rounded the corner in time to hear a screech, and to see her mother thrown onto the steps of her home. The horse revealed her presence within moments, and three large men apprehended her, and her horse; however the horse pulled back, reared up and escaped. Ella wasn't as fortunate, and was pulled into the house with her mother, who, Aniella discovered, was high as a kite. Her murder was not a swift one, unlike her mothers. It seemed to Aniella that her mother simply fell asleep, however that was most likely the drugs. Ella's sexual abuse and murder was a slow and painful ordeal. Blades were used to cut from the corners of her mouth, right to her ears, and left to bleed. Her limbs were hacked from her body, and dumped in a black bin bag just off the coast of Favignana. When Aniella awoke, she was confused. She was no longer in Italy, it wasn't until later that she discovered she was in Paris, France. On top of that, she was starving, and after hours of stumbling around, she managed to beg some food from a street merchant. Her body felt different, weaker, she felt sick, and she felt slight lightheaded. It was two days later when things got even worse for Aniella; her skin began to slip from her body. She would rub her arms, and the skin would flap off with her hand. Panic swept through Ella, and anywhere she turned for help, she was turned away. Unable to speak French, and navigate her way around the strange new City, Nell finally managed to make her way to a Hospital. Doctors and Specialists had no idea what it was that was happening to Ella, at first, they suspected an extremely severe case of Necrotizing fasciitis [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Necrotizing_fasciitis]| x |[/url] - however the antibiotics proved ineffective and the diagnosis was scrapped. She was admitted into a private isolation room, and further tests were run. Her case rapidly deteriorated, and after a further day, almost all of the skin on her body was gone. During the following night, however, her primal instinct took over, and she managed to drag herself into another ward of private rooms. Her new-found survival instinct took over, and three people were killed and skinned that night. It took Aniella a further two days to figure out she needed to stitch/staple the new skin to her body in order to survive. Over the following five years, Aniella managed to find a way to survive - she carried around multiple straight razor barbers knives on her person - which she would use as her main weapon of choice when taking out her victims. The majority of her victims were hospital patients, and homeless people. She managed to find food by pickpocketing and shop lifting from small shops and town marketplaces. And now for the act that landed her in Osmond's Institute. It was February 12th, 2012. Things were bad for Aniella, she hadn't replenished in about three days; she'd had old reserves, but they lasted only hours - if that on some occasions, and a lot of the time it took that long to sew it on. She was desperate, her primal urges were taking over, she was on a road in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. She was walking for what could have only been about two more hours when she came across the Holiday Home in Switzerland. There was a school trip, and children were asleep in bed. There were about thirty people all together, and one by one, Aniella went around, one by and one and slit each one of their throats. She had killed 23 people and 4 people were seriously injured that night. Ella had also managed to skin 9 of the children completely before she was discovered by the police and caretakers of the home. After much deliberation of her case, an anonymous tip sent her on her way to Osmond's Institute. [i]Side note; Aniella never discovered the reason behind her murder. However it was later discovered by the police that her mother was a drug addict, and years behind on payments. Paying with her body was no longer cutting it, and she was given an ultimatum, to pay up or they would take 'other measures'. Initially, they had only intended to kill the mother, and rob the house; however Aniella happened across the situation and they couldn't have any witnesses to the scene.[/i][/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]Aniella is an extremely shy and timid young girl, and hates any kind of confrontation with other people, especially men. Before she became a Ragdoll, she wasn't much different. She was more open and social, but since the rebirth, she hasn't had the option to really speak with other people. This is because she's been so preoccupied and self conscious about her body and face, to the point of obsession, that she doesn't like people seeing her, and as a result, hasn't interacted with people much over the past three years. Despite her extremely quiet and self-hating personality, Aniella is also quite a caring person; or at least, she would be if she was ever given the change. When her urge for skin isn't weighing on her mind, she's generally just a normal person. She used to have friends, she used to do everything normal people did. She can't remember the last time she had a real friend, as she's always distanced herself since her rebirth - however she craves affection and care from anyone, yet she's too afraid of rejection to get close enough to find it. At heart, Aniella is a scared, lonely little girl with nobody to turn to and nobody to look after her. She had a very brief glimpse of a life she should have lived, parents who should have loved her and crimes done unto her that should never have been done. Nell craves someone to care for her, but is too afraid and too shy to even think about asking. She has been the victim of a cruel world and even crueler people, and then reborn into an even crueler fate. Needless to say Nell has all but given up on hoping for anything better for herself, but deep inside still naively clings to the notion that there are still people out there that may care for her. [/indent] [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [b]Fears:[/b] [list] [*]Haphephobia – Fear of physical contact [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haphephobia]| x |[/url][/*] [*]Agraphobia – Fear of sexual abuse [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agraphobia]| x |[/url][/*] [/list] [b]Capabilities:[/b] [list] [*]Super-human strength – Aniella is incredibly strong since her rebirth. She can break bones with a twist of her fingers and lift items ten times her size and weight, not that she ever would, or more appropriately, it would take an incredible amount of confidence and will-power to encourage Nell to do something so drastic.[/*] [*]Heightened senses – Aniella has the heightened senses of a seasoned predator, she can hear the heartbeat of a creature 200 feet away if listening strongly enough; she can read the body language and vocal tones of people as one would read a book. She can tell the distance of a person by the sound of their footfalls.[/*] [*]Superhumanly light of foot – having superhuman senses has given Aniella the ability to travel almost completely unheard. It would take someone with equally heightened senses to detect Aniella if she did not wish to be detected.[/*][/list] [b]Miscellaneous: [/b] [indent]Aniella speaks fluent Italian, and her English is broken through years of not using it, she finds it relatively difficult to understand the English language but if she concentrates and focuses she can understand what is being said to her.[/indent] [/hider]