Shadow looks them over for a few moments and then sighs. " one that only takes action when needed. And one that doesn't thing of the possible threat that lays in wait. Looks like there is quite a lot of work to be done there. First if I wanted either of you dead. You wouldn't be breathing right now." He points to Allister " You gave your position away. While most would miss the noise of a hand brushing the hilt of a weapon. A trained assassin never will. Had I wanted to I could have put a single round right between your eyes. You might have dodged that based on your ability to stay silent. So I would have aimed lower and to the right. If you were to dodge you would be hit in the lung. If not. Then a shot to the heart." He turns his gaze to Owl. "And you. You should by all rights be dead. Even if no one comes here. You're lucky the raid years ago set off every single trap this base had built up. But I will make sure that is fixed soon enough. Cant have people just waltzing in here when ever they feel like." He turns away from them. "You both came here under the same context. A simple message inviting you to join the rebirth of a dead guild. Or did you come here for another reason perhaps?"