[Hider=Avyanna Winters; Vampire] [Center=Dead Center][h1][url=https://fontmeme.com/handwriting-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190423/62856581da51e68301c0b86c378bcea2.png[/img][/url] [/h1] [hr][hr] [img] https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/47690129-216e-464b-8e7b-565cee840961.jpg [/img] [img] https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/3f76651d-110f-4fde-9646-7fb9f1d9a325.jpg [/img][Color=fff79a]"If you call me 'Avy' one more time, a certain someone's not gonna wake up with a tongue tomorrow."[/color] [hr][hr] [Color=fff79a]Full Name|[/color] Avyanna Ehpia Winters [Color=fff79a]|Age|[/color] 26 [Color=fff79a]|Gender|[/color] Female [Color=fff79a]|Height&Weight|[/color] 5'4 and 130 lbs [Color=fff79a]|Sexuality|[/color] Pansexual [Color=fff79a]|Ethnicity|[/color] Ethiopian [Color=fff79a]|Relationship Status|[/color] Single [Color=fff79a]|Occupation|[/color] Creates homemade jewelry on Etsy and sells tarot card readings, but most of the time works at the library. Just got another job at a small coffee shop. [hr][hr] [Color=fff79a]|Appearance|[/color] Standing with as much poise and assertiveness as one could standing at 5'4, when Avyanna walks into a room, she makes sure that no games are gonna be played. With her head held high, and usually a small smirk on her full lips, it's obvious that she knows what she wants and how to get it whether that be by force or not. She has a soft, round face and a deep, rich skin tone accented by her light use of makeup, although she most of the time prefers a more natural look. She has messy, thick and curly hair that she's highly fond of, no matter how difficult it is to brush, and it's often wrapped with a sort of cloth material that helps her keep it contained. She has a piercing gaze and dominant green eyes that are surrounded by thick eyelashes and similar, defined eyebrows. Avyanna's style usually consists of the flashy and somewhat flamboyant, often wearing a surplus of jewelery and a small amount of makeup to compliment her dark skin tone. She enjoys showing off a bit of skin, especially her legs, she's proud of them, though she tends to keep her arms covered usually in some sort of shaw-like covering. She drifts towards darker or neutral colors, but also different kinds of patterns and/or intricate designs on the fabric that she likes to believe that can be drawn back to her African heritage. Most times Avyanna can be seen wearing some sort of head wrap, containing her thick, curly hair, which is surprising considering she has a lot of it. Her jewelery consists of large, dangling earrings, at least two or three necklaces that usually have some sort of gem or crystal on them, a nose ring, gold ankle and wrist bracelets, and plenty of assorted rings. She takes her fasion very seriously, only accepting less around those she feels comfortable with. [Color=fff79a]|Apartment Bedroom|[/color] [hider=Image][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/ecb7c57f-ee02-4d34-ba9c-1c0f349f8871.jpg [/img][/hider] [color=fff79a]|Personality|[/color] [sub]馃暩Mischievous馃暩Cunning馃暩Proud馃暩Sarcastic[/sub] Avyanna is a laid back and "anything goes" type of person, though almost instinctively drawn to drama, enjoying to either start something and watch the scene unfold, or just to sit back and relax with a bowl of popcorn nearby. She almost never finishes things herself, and would rather have others do it for her instead. She tends to be a bit cynical, everything she does seems to be for her own gain though she does enjoy the company of other people, so friendliness is in her best nature. She doesn't really like attention, unless it's for her fasion, so she most times stays out of the spotlight, and would much rather be in the background. Avyanna is rather intelligent and her patience level is super high, preferring to take her time when performing tasks or other things, and she's also slow to anger, though irritation is on the totally opposite end. She enjoys studying random topics, especially things on religion or history or the supernatural, as the past is extremely intriguing to her and she likes to know as much as she can. She's an amazing actress, improv is just as easy as breathing for her, for she never falters and has an amazing memory, so keeping up with stories is no problem. She does tend to be a bit impulsive, which questions her wisdom a little amd brings her to make rash decisions, so she trys to stay out of situations that would bring her to make those decisions. [Color=fff79a]|Likes|[/color] 路 Gardening 路 Gambling 路 Using gems and crystals for spiritual means 路 Reading [Color=fff79a]|Dislikes|[/color] 路 Unwanted attention 路 Dogs 路 Cold weather [s]New York's really fuckin' cold[/s] [Color=fff79a]|Skills|[/color] 路 Highly intelligent and having extensive knowledge on many subjects, Avyanna shows her strength through her mind and use of words rather than muscle; yes, large amounts of strength would be cool, but to her, being book smart is much more useful. 路 She's a great liar, though of questionable loyalties. Will do anything to protect that of which she believes in. 路 Unpredictable and not easily read, Avyanna enjoys throwing people off with fake cues and emotions, which makes her great at gambling and other risky games. [Color=fff79a]|Aspiration|[/color] Avyanna wishes to understand her situation better, but also to keep up with her studying. She wants to eventually become someone in life, honestly, she's stuck and doesn't know who to ask for help. She's tried going online, but she can never get any true answers, which is extremely disappointing to her. She just wants to have her many questions filled. [Color=fff79a]|Affiliation|[/color] ??? [Color=fff79a]|Fears|[/color] 路 Her questions being unanswered 路 Losing everything 路 The unexpected to happen [hr][hr][Color=fff79a]|History|[/color] Born in Ethiopa, Africa, Avyanna was adopted in the US by a loving, middle class Vietnamese family, who were unable to have children of their own. Ever since she was young, Avyanna was always interested in the supernatural, never really growing out of the "fairy tale" age that soon grew into interest for spiritual rituals, collecting crystals and such to charge them, mostly keeping them for good luck and other phenomena. As she grew older, she found a small paradise in gardening and herbology, growing many diiferent species of flowers and vegetables, in which she would sell to help pay for college, even if it was just a little bit. It was after highschool that Avyanna moved to New York for school, majoring in plant sciences with minors for religion and other history classes, along with biology. Still avidly researching the supernatural, but for a more realisitc cause, such as their effect on history and the past, "Vampires" weren't exactly a reality to her, until some time after her 26th birthday; Avyanna had been out of school for awhile now and was struggling to find a good paying job, not wanting to mooch off of her parents for money. She was just walking home, discussing with a friend on how time passed too fast, when she was attacked and bitten, barely making it out alive, though through the next few years, she had wished that she had died that day instead. Still clueless as to who bit her, she's tried to figure out this whole vampire ordeal, with little luck. Now time has passed, and she's learned to cope with her new identity,though still trying to figure everything. [/center] [/hider]