[hider=Tessa Elizabeth Zeno-Cross] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/handwriting-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190424/87c8edf134ba61a72c3b775b0c07c6c7.png[/img][/url] Tes ☪ Tessie ☪ Liz ☪ Lizzy ☪ Beth ☪ Bitch ☪ [i][color=lightgray]”Diabla”[/color][/i] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/62/9b/26/629b2630e2b5a6e7b9192d27a6f39b40.gif[/img] [sub](Emeraude Toubia ☪ Light Gray)[/sub] Tessa Elizabeth Zeno-Cross ☪ Female ☪ Aromantic Pansexual ☪ Bus Down Thatiana (Single) ☪ The Wild Middle Child[/center] [Center][img]https://www.projuris.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/separador.png[/img] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/39700000/Emeraude-Toubia-emeraude-toubia-39734994-500-280.gif[/img][/center] ☪ Affiliation: ☪ Though she Carrie's her mothers last name as well as her fathers, Tessas loyalty lies with the house of Zeno and Zeno alone. ☪ Personality: ☪ Tessa is the sort of girl that know what she wants, and she won’t stop until she gets it - rather it be a person, or an item. A very possessive girl, she has a problem with taking no for an answer. Tessa is also a very blunt person, always saying things the way that she sees them. She’s known to be a major bitch, and even cold-hearted at times. More often than not, it seems that she is only looking out for her own well being - though that is not entirely the truth. Tessa actually has quite the hero complex and tries to save people in any way that she can - rather that means being there for them emotionally or fighting to keep them safe on the battlefield. Most of the time, Tessa is rude and sarcastic, though she does have a softer side. While the young woman has more enemies than friends, there are a few people that she holds close to her heart and that she would do just about anything for. Flirtatious as can be, Tessa - like most other vampires - sees humans as play things. Breakable, tasty playthings. A bit of a sadistic person, Tessa enjoys playing with her prey before going in for the kill. It is not uncommon to see her at a party or for her to have a one night stand. ☪ Aspirations/goals/philosophy: ☪ [color=lightgray][i]”Honestly…? I'm already royalty, I have a fuckton of money, I've read all of Shakespeare's plays, and I own all the cute clothes I could ever ask for. If I have one goal in life - er… afterlife? - it would be to learn as much about everything that I can. Knowledge is power.[/i][/color] ☪ Skill Set: ☪ [list]☪ Knowledge Is Power - Tessa knows things about both the human and vampire world that others may not. She'll share any secret that doesn't belong to herself or her closest friends for the right price. ☪ Charismatic - When Tessa talks, people listen. The ‘young’ woman is quite persuasive. ☪ Interrogating Specialist - Got a hostage that wont talk? Call Tess. She’ll be the one to make them squeal - though no one can promise that there won't be a mess to clean up afterwards. ☪ Tessa dances, sings, and plays the piano as well as the violin. ☪ Speaks Spanish (often breaks out into spanish when angry), Russian, Latin, French and German. (Google translate will be used for all of these lmao) ☪ Weapons Master - Tessa has spent a great deal of time playing chess reading books, partying and learning about weapons. She can wield a sword, crossbow, and a wide variety of guns. Her aim is nearly perfect. ☪ Mechanics - Tess likes cars. Fast cars. Lots of vroomy stuff but also a lot of engine stuff. ☪ She's one hell of a poker player.[/list] ☪Fears: ☪ True, unconditional love. She's a strange one. ☪ History: ☪ Tessa hasn't really done that much with her life, sadly. She's gone places and seen things. Partied, drank and slept with more than her fair share of men and women both. But her life hasn't really amounted to anything. She's just another of the #ZenoDissapointmentClan. Tessa has spent most of her days fighting battles when need be and soaking up knowledge when she can. Her latest adventure includes being a full time law student and a part time bartender. ☪ Other: ☪ She carries her mothers name as a reminder of said mother. [/hider]