[b]James Feryana & Shannon Green - Random Store[/b] James continued to stare out of the window, a few tears still coming from his eyes. It was quite peaceful outside, maybe he should just leave the shop and explore some houses. The funny thing was, he was practically daydreaming, and hadn't noticed that something had walked to the opposite side of the window and started to knock on it. James literally cowered backwards in fear from the window, pulling up his knife. Realizing that the woman at the window was not a walker, James walked up to the window, looked around quickly to make sure that there were no walkers, and then walked to the front door of the store, knife still in hand. [i]The woman might rob me, or she might be friendly, I don't know anymore![/i] He thought, as he walked near the woman, but not too close, put his knife on the ground and slid it slowly toward the woman to show that he was now unarmed. "I'm not armed anymore. Please don't hurt me, I'm on my own." James' voice came out sounding a little more like whimpering than words, and the boy was terrified. He [i]looked[/i] terrified.