[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=8dc73f]Amelia Payne[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTojj1OLJ5T4f77dGDefsPABUy66bkRd0RrN7KvzNO5QjJ6xT01sw[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b]Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room) [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [/center][hr][hr] The last couple of days were a weird mix of calm time and nerves. Well mostly because the first 2 days Amelia had to deal with some bouts of paranoia as she regularly inspected the surroundings for stuff that could be dangerous or potential rogue walkers or something that had snuck in through some disasterous bad luck. She just couldn't shake off those things right away, but after the first few days by now she had mostly gotten used to the quarantine. As much as prison it was, it also provided security from the outside, maybe that was the thing that allowed her to accept it somewhat easier than initially she suspected she would. First day of mild stomach problems and the irritation from her hair starting to grow aside, she was feeling better now. Maybe it was the slightly better sleep or the food. She couldn't tell, but she made sure to do her duty she was given now. While it wasn't ideal, since everyone had their own tasks they completed, she was naturally doing hers too. Weirdly enough she lucked out with the oddman's job. She was just filling in spots for Tati and Jack as for them to be able to take turns so one of them was always with Jamie. She wasn't complaining about this though, she wasn't shy of working. Instead she deligently did her job. Now with most being at the conference room, Amelia had taken to her more favorite past time, reading. She had pulled a book, sitting at a comfortable corner where she wouldn't be in anyone's way, reading quietly. When Panama called for playing cards, she only looked up for a moment before she returned down to her book. Well at least she was reading quietly until she heard the commotion about the tv and she left her book reading as to look up and check what it was all about. Sure enough she connected what Wayne was saying with what she was seeing. A Martin Family home video... she eventually managed to recognize some faces in there. She was rather surprised the woman could sing. She threw a look at Ash, before looking back to her book, but she didn't start reading right awya, instead she closed it for a moment, listening to teh video. It was nice to hear the happy voices from teh video, even if some of those people weren't around anymore. After the first night and her realization as of how the apocalypse had molded her into something she didn't want to be, she had spend some time thinking about it all. She didn't know the woman well beyond a simple first time meeting, but now that Amelia had regained some of her normal calmer state of mind, she regretted not knowing her more. She also felt sad for the woman and Ash, since they couldn't meet up again. Listening to the video, she appeared happy there... Maybe they could have gotten along?