[hider=Clanette Bontrelle] Name: Hammer-Maiden Clanette Bontrelle Race: Breton Gender: Female Age: 26 Appearance: Clanette is fair skinned, sharp featured and dark haired like most of her race. More unique is the fact her neck-length hair is braided in nordic fashion with flint-like eyes darting beneath, betraying some Nord influence in her bloodline. She is lightly muscled and befreckled Clanette wears simple, full length blue and brown priest robes as befitting her station. While she does have a hood she doesn't often choose to wear it. She is bereft of piercings or tattoos but she makes sure her amulet of Stendarr is always visible on top of whatever outfit she chooses. Personality: Clanette is an outgoing and friendly individual, which is part of the reason she was selected to serve amongst mercenaries. It is hoped that her charming manner can sway other members of her party away from darker deeds. Perhaps more unfitting for a mercenary is her hesitance to commit violence in combat, so she hopes to keep her role to as much to healing and warding as she can Class: Healer Three Major Skills- Restoration, Alteration, Speech-craft Three Minor Skills- Blunt Weapon, Mysticism, Alchemy Equipment: Iron mace, Amulet of Stendarr, Minor Alchemy Equipment, an assortment of minor potions History: Clanette has been influenced by her home, Northpoint, greatly. She carries her memories of the place with her every step and a part of her yearns to be back. Clanette was born to the Bontrelle family, and was raised as a diplomat to help maintain good relations between High-Rock and it's trade partner Skyrim. Clanette's life would take a turn, however, when a sudden attack on the city nobility was held by a vampire coven. At the age of 14 Clanette's family was slain almost to a man, and she herself only escaped persecution out of sheer luck. A band of witchunters and Vigilants happened to be in port at the time, and moved to the cities aid. Although they took severe casualties they were pivotal in the defence and managed to slay and later hunt down the hostile coven. Clanette, feeling the need to honour these heroes' efforts offered her family's holdings as a base of operations for the Vigilants of Stendarr. An offer graciously accepted Since that day Clanette has striven to become a force to be reckoned with in the order, and succeeded for the most part by accomplishing the rank of Hammer-Maiden. Of late she has been shipped abroad with a few of her comrades to aid various mercenary groups in the Colovian region, in hopes of maintaining stability and to report back progressing threats. [/hider]