[hr][hr][color=fdc68a][center][h1]Joy Jordan[/h1][/center][/color][hr][hr] Joy had been in the airport for hours now, and she was beginning to run out of things to do. She was sitting down, working her way through considerably more pretzels than was healthy (which she had paid for, thank you very much), checking the time every minute or so, hoping that somewhere along the time she could skip a couple more hours. Unfortunately, that was not the case, and she stood up, ready to stretch her legs for the first time in much too long. God, they were so [i]stiff[/i]. Her hair was so greasy too. Joy couldn't wait to get off that next plane, and go home. Which was in... two hours. She took a quick walk around, watching everything that was happening with a blank expression. Some lady arguing with the barista at a cafe, blond guy with a beanie looking around a shop, old man on the phone to someone. Nothing particularly interesting, though she didn't really expect anything bizarre to happen. She checked her phone. Thirty-two percent battery. It had to last the whole journey home, or at least until the end of the flight, so she couldn't just sit on that either. Joy groaned just as a small, transparent figure formed behind her. Well, there wasn't any harm in having it around. It wasn't as if anyone could see it. She hadn't met anyone that could, after all. Its antics were amusing, and as it floated around her head, performing somersaults and creating vague animal shapes with its hands as Joy watched with a smile. By chance, it drifted in front of a wall, where someone was standing and hey, was that [i]blood[/i]? Her stand quickly moved behind her, peering over her shoulder and cocking its head. She took another look, and though she was at a distance where it was kind of hard to tell, there weren't many red liquids that could come from someone's head. Maybe it was a medical condition, or some kind of injury. Not really her business why, but she shoved a hand into a bag and pulled out a packet of tissues. She walked up to the person, who was now sitting on the floor, and held it out to him. Her stand trailed behind her with about as much interest as it could show for what it was. [color=fdc68a]"Hey, your, uh,"[/color] she said, motioning with her other hand to her face. [color=fdc68a]"Do you want a tissue? Take one, I don't mind."[/color]