Ok. To get things started for the Persistent Galaxy... We have a few (15) approved sheets, but not all that much activity yet. We're wondering what people want in the way of plotlines to explore, both with their existing characters, WIP characters and as-yet-unwritten characters. Looking especially at the people with approved sheets, but also at everyone else with an interest in this period of Star Wars. [@Jackdaw] [@Mistiel] [@Saix] [@The Wyrm] [@TenthCodex] [@Almalthia] [@Bea] [@Lauder] [@f0un] [@Ruby] [@Ellri] [@Heat] [@Sini] Where do you want plot lines? [list][*]Deep in the Empire [*]Deep in the Republic [*]Edge of the Empire [*]Edge of the Republic [*]Imperial/Republic Front lines [*]Hutt space [*]Unclaimed space [*]Somewhere else?[/list] What plots do you want? [list][*]Political intrigue [*]Criminal intrigue [*]General intrigue [*]Jedi training [*]Sith training [*]Military training [*]Jedi-on-Sith action [*]Love story [*]Light side / Dark Side shenanigans [*]Combat (not outright republic vs. empire, on account of treaty) [*]Techy stuff [*]Torture/interrogation [*]Chemical and/or biological experiments [*]Something else?[/list] Any other questions, concerns, etc. you have about plot lines and stories? Anything you want to bring up?