[quote=TheNewGirl] I've never really thought about my personal view on Abortion. Hmm...Lots of thoughts come to my mind. Women who find themselves pregnant by accident are idiots and most likely whores. It probably sounds crazy coming from a girl, but It's true. Although, I don't believe that them having to go through childbirth, and from then on, raise another human being is any type of "Punishment" for their sexual ways!I think that Abortion be allowed, but only under certain circumstances. If the mother is a drug user, homeless, self-harming or a rape victim, then by all means, they can have an abortion. If it's the case of a woman who got drunk and didn't bother with protection, then they should be given a month of guidance and talks on how to care for the child, taking away their choice to have an abortion until they hit the limit time for abortions. Having un-protected sex is almost like playing Russian Roulette in a way. Nobody dies, but they're born to a life nobody wants. Couples can still pleasure each other without intercourse, so I don't think there's any excuse to get pregnant besides trying to have a baby, or being ridiculously stupid. [/quote] As ShonHarris noted, there are a lot of false claims and judgment within this post. Accidental pregnancies happen for multiple reasons, so, it isn't anyone's place to judge or decide what a woman can or can't do with her body. Given, you're free to judge, but I feel it is the woman who is pregnant that has the choice to do what she feels is right. Here's one of my favorite quotes from the film Mean Girls: “You all have got to stop calling each other sluts and whores. It just makes it okay for guys to call you sluts and whores.”