'Ha! And they all said Splash was worthless, would never be good for anything! Well let's see them laugh now! I have refined my Splash to allow me to travel on land!' While Kamina certainly sounded exciting in his head, to anyone looking at him they would just see an oddly colored Magikarp flopping in a straight line with an odd look in it's eyes 'it's here...this is the place! This is where the next chapter of my life begins!' he thought to himself as he continued on his way. Despite having traveled for about a quarter of the day, he didn't seem winded at all. On the contrary; he looked pumped...or about a pumped as one can expect a Magikarp to look 'I can only imagine what awesome adventures await me here. The places I'll go, the people I'll see. A vast future is out there...[b]just waiting for me to grasp it[/b]! I know it wont be easy...but that's the entire point! Through my blood, sweat and tears, I shall be forged into a might warrior!' his pupils literately looked like the were on fire now "[b]WITNESS AND BE AMAZED WORLD! AS I, KAMINA, CRAWL MY WAY FROM THE BOTTOM, TO THE VERY TOP[/b]!!!!" He yelled as loud as his little fishy lungs would let him.