[h2]Katalina[/h2] Sweet Nereids, Katalina had never been more thankful for solid ground under her feet at that moment than she had felt thankful for it since she had been tossed back to Earth. Her throat was raw and throbbing as she had screamed so loudly and the entire way down. She shuddered as she pulled herself off the ground, whimpering a bit as she did so. She'd be bruised later, and it would hurt so much, but she was thankful that her two feet were on land. Katalina took a bottle of water and nearly downed the whole thing in one gulp before she accepted the fruit and the granola bar. She simply nodded her thanks, as her throat was still too raw to talk. She sighed as she looked around at where they had landed. However, it was just a void of white light, nothing to distinguish it at all. [hr] [h2]Astrid[/h2] Astrid landed with a bit of a grunt, as she had tried to position herself for the landing, but she had miscalculated. She'd bruise her knuckles the way she had landed, but thankfully, nothing else would be hurt. She looked over at her companions and sighed a bit as she realized that they had to be in the right place, but where they were? It was oddly quiet, and flooded with light. She looked around and then paused as Kade handed out refreshments. "Thanks." Astrid checked the watch she had and realized that no, not that much time had passed. She would be fine for now. She sipped the water and then looked around, and over to Alexander. "I... have to ask how you did that. They always say the wind obeys no one, but you got us into a Slipstream." She smiled a bit as she nibbled on a granola bar, while looking at the slightly older boy.