[hr] [center][h1][color=ed1c24]Grinder[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] It had been such a nice slumber too... Simply casually sleeping away, only a little buried, so all the little things above ground created soothing vibrations now and then... There was a period where greater vibrations came, but nothing that would warrant awakening, nothing that posed a direct threat, it was even soothing after a while, like something had built a subtly vibrating bed-shell around him to make his rest even more comfortable... He might well have been one of the most peaceful monsters that was contained... Then it came. He felt the precursors of the vibrations before they actually hit him, not quite a problem yet, but on a scale of such grant magnitude that his body didn't dare let him stay asleep. Slowly, those massive eyes drifted open... slowly, lazily... His mind quickly picking up on the signals of every little thing around him, so many tiny things scurrying around, too small to be snacks, but so many. then there was the shell of shivers all around him, varied sources of vibrations gave him an astoundingly thorough vision of the facility that had been built around him, such tiny tunnels that could only be for these scurrying tiny things... though they seemed to be quickly vibrating harder... He very calm and lazily watched the little things running around, even as the strange red things started blinking and they began scurrying 'away' as hard as they could go... Well that was understandable, tiny things didn't stay near big things that weren't asleep, but that meant his nearer distraction was gone so he raised his muzzle up and his jaw wide, a great yawn rumbling from his maw... that was when it finally hit, the sonic wave that would cause such chaos around the world hit his senses and full, and everything went red! His eyes shut tight, seeing red as his brain filled with confusion and pain from the intensity of what followed! It was like the whole world shook and his poor ears and nose were hit with all of it at the same time! Immediately he surged up from his sleeping curl, raw strength shredding the containment that had been meant to hold him, a broad swing cleaved a great swath from the walls and anything else around him before both of those claws went to cover the pain in his head, several moments of wanton thrashing following before Instinct took hold! Then he fled under-ground, the containment room filling with dirt and debris from metal and stone that were either cleaved through or wrenched out by raw strength if it didn't cut so well, and In moments the titan had vanished from the facility... oddly, leaving most of it intact and a fading rumble behind as he blindly dug in the direction of gravity! He'd continued nearly a mile under-ground by the time the lingering effects of... 'whatever' that was wore off enough for him to settle down and focus... He couldn't fathom what had caused it, nothing had ever caused such a tremendous reaction from his senses, some part of him feared that the world had to have split in two for him to sense such a thing! And yet, it had faded, there was no persistent after-effect that told him of some great predator or cataclysm that had seen fit to wake him so viciously, only the far more subtle and harmless noise of the shivering cradle he'd clawed his way out from. Suddenly, a new sound met his ears, one from within, a low instinctive rumble that told him one thing... [color=ed1c24][i]'I hunger...'[/i][/color] Immediately he filtered out the lesser vibrations of the tiny things and their tunnels, and began tunneling back towards the surface, seeking the cues of walking 'snacks' in the distance... [hr] Some few dozen miles away, there was a little group of humans grumbling in agitation as their jeep had stopped running, some of the world's rapidly dwindling number of people who had no idea that titans were rising to wreak havoc upon the world. They'd merely been observing the local wild-life before the engine, radio, phones, and even satellite phones had died on them... the camera didn't even work. Thing's suddenly grew more tense when the ground began to tremble, various wild-life in view panicking and fleeing the area, but not fast enough... With astounding timing, just as things began to run again, the ground split open barely fifth meters away, 'just' far enough for them to neither be threatened by the wild-life... 'or' the giant beast that had just surged out of the ground like a shark cresting the waves! The bloody thing hadn't even left the ground entirely, it was still mostly buried, but it's maw had burst through the surface and swallowed an elephant whole! 6 tons of meat gone in an instant with little more than a sickening crunch, but it's massive claws had also swept across the ground once it's shoulder's were above ground, clumsily pinning together several more members of the now desperately fleeing herd... They certainly had no idea that it was awakening to ravenous hunger after unknown millennia of sleep... nor that the sun beating down on it's hide and the shining crystals protruding from it produced a sense of bliss it hadn't felt in ages. They couldn't even drive away, as while it's appearance had missed them by enough to leave them safe, it had torn up the ground enough to trap the tires... they could only watch in morbid horror as it proceeded to gorge itself on some of man-kind's largest known mammals... and listen to the blissful purr it was producing, even if it sounded more like a hungry growl to them.