[@Maria 127] Evelyn could barely lift her head to Argentina, for it was more than just the crippling pain she felt pounding in her head... but embarrassment, only made worse when Ms. Keigwan mentioned taking her to Claudia. Great... that's all Ev needed, another ass chewing. Groaning and gripping at her head still, Evelyn grit her teeth. [color=ed1c24]"N-no... I'm fine. I don't need a nurse."[/color] But it was clear she wasn't, blood trickling still from her nose. She reached a hand up to wipe it off, then tried to get back to her seat, but a challenge that also proved. [color=ed1c24][i]Idiot! Look at what you've done! You made a dumbass out of yourself![/i][/color] She could barely walk, her body practically sapped of energy. She had no choice it seemed, releasing a disparaging sigh. [color=ed1c24]"Fine... Claudia's office is this way..."[/color] And so she showed Argentina where. Meanwhile, Claudia was up and about dusting off her shelves and cleaning the place up. Not that her office was a pigsty, but a nurse could never be too clean, especially with all the known pathogens creeping around. That and she was bored out of her mind. As she happily wiped down her workstation with a bleached rag, humming along to the radio, there was a knock at her door. [color=ed145b]~"Come in!"~[/color]. She answered. But as the door swung open and Claudia turned to see who it was, her smile immediately faded and a deep pang of concern lodged itself into her heart. [color=ed145b]~"Evelyn? By Hecate, what happened?"~[/color]. She rushed over to help Argentina bring Ev into the room, giving Argentina a tender smile, [color=ed145b]~"Thank you, sweetie. I'll take it from here, unless you want to stay and help."~[/color]