[hr][center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/ancient-g-modern-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190601/8eb9c6297dccc671cd6cf32781ba7ded.png[/img][/url][/center][hr] [@Sep], [@Flamelord], [@Assallya], [@mattmanganon], [@thedman], [@CaptainBritton], [@Mataus] Valtrix whirled round towards the bridges communication console as a hail was broadcast. One in which the person on the other end was asking about Atlantis. Could that be the city ship? And if it was, were these people sent here to bring him back? Had the Council finally caught wind of his desertion and sent a fleet to capture him? Valtrix turned his gaze back to the viewport and gazed out at the varying shapes floating in the void around him, cutting off that line of thought. If it was the Council's doing, they wouldn't have made a hail like that. No, they would have aimed their guns at him and demanded his immediate surrender. Clearly this was not their doing, and now that he was examining the ships more carefully than before, Ornus realized that they did not bear the standard design of his peoples warships. So these were different groups of people then, most likely from different civilizations and, from the looks of things, all in the same situation he himself was. Valtrix stepped away from the window and paced about for a bit, his mind racing in a hundred directions at once as he went over everything he had just been through. From the looks of things, it seemed as though he had been transported to another star system, or a new galaxy entirely seeing as how he couldn't recognize any of the local constellations. And it seemed as though the other craft had been brought here in much the same way his was. Which meant that they were most likely strangers here as well. Ornus halted mid stride and walked back to the comms console. There was only one way to find out who these people were and how they had gotten here. Assuming it wasn't all an intentional act to begin with that is. Pressing a couple of crystals on the surface of the console, Valtrix braced himself against the metallic edge of the device and leaned over slightly. Taking a deep breath, he began a broadcast to all ships in the surrounding space. [color=silver]"This is Valtrix Ornus, captain of the Renatus speaking. I ask that you state your identities, intentions, and worlds of origin."[/color] He said, wiping a bit of sweat from his brow. The abilities of these craft were completely unknown to him. For all he knew, they could be capable of tearing through stars or worse. Taking a moment to compose himself, he continued. [color=silver]"I also ask that you refrain from firing upon each other or myself. While I'd like to settle this peacefully, I will not hesitate to unleash the full might of this vessel upon you should things get out of hand."[/color] With that said, Valtrix stepped away from the console and strode back over to the ships control chair. Leaning back, he took control of the Renatus's pulse turrets and trained them on each of the ships around him so they knew he intended to keep his word. Letting out a small sigh, he waited to see what happened next.