[center][h3][i]Moonreaver[/I] Location unknown[/h3][/center] [hr] Ikani reflexively lifted an arm to block the sudden flash of light. As she lowered her arm, she immediately noticed that something was off. Moving over to the membranous window, it took a moment before she realized what was wrong. [color=a187be]"Shelley, check the starmap."[/color] The infested Terran was already moving even before she gave the order, pushing a button on the starmap to activate its holographic display. She hurriedly flipped through several maps, a panicked look on her face. After a pause, she looked up at Ikani. [color=f7941d]"I don't know where we are...this system doesn't match anything on record."[/color] Ikani looked into the distance, her mandibles contorting into the Zerg equivalent of a frown. [color=a187be]"The stars are different, too."[/color] She turned to face Shelley. [color=a187be]"Did you see a bright flash of light?"[/color] [color=f7941d]"You saw that too?"[/color] Ikani turned back to the window. [color=a187be]"I see."[/color] Closing her eyes, she immersed herself in the psionic network. Fortunately, the many Zerg organisms on board seemed to be unaffected by the strange event, a fact that gave her some comfort. Pushing them aside, she turned to the ship itself, looking at what the massive creature was sensing. While she couldn't spot any sort of landmarks, there was something else far more important that she noticed. [color=a187be]"We're not alone."[/color] Shelley nodded, seeing the same things that Ikani was seeing due to also being part of the psionic network.[color=f7941d] "I don't recognize any of them. They all have different designs, and none of them match any Terran or Protoss design that I know of."[/color] She walked over to the radio, turning it on just in time to catch a transmission, something about an 'Atlantis'. [color=f7941d]"Two of them appear damaged, and none of them have made any sort of hostile action towards us. It might be best if-"[/color] Before she could finish, another transmission came on, asking the other vessels to identify themselves. Ikani walked over to the radio, listening in as the transmission finished, promising to attack the others if they weren't peaceful. [color=f7941d]"Broodmother, the ship that sent the transmission appears to be aiming its weapons at us, along with the other vessels."[/color] Shelley said, walking beside her. [color=a187be]"It seems they are serious about upholding their promise."[/color] Ikani stood silent for a while, considering her options. She could attempt to make an emergency jump, but the other ship would likely be able to fire on them before they could escape. And besides, where would they go? The more they looked at the evidence, it seemed more apparent that they were far, far away from the Koprulu Sector. They could try to attack the other vessel, but she had no idea as to what sort of armament it had. For all she knew, a single shot from it would tear Moonreaver to a bloody pulp. There was only one good option, it seemed. Letting out a deep breath, Ikani activated the radio, preparing to broadcast on an open channel. [color=a187be]"I suppose there is no harm in answering them."[/color] Clearing her throat, Ikani began the broadcast, aimed mostly at the ship that was currently aiming their weapons at her, but also to the other ships. [color=a187be]"Attention, unknown vessel 'Renatus'. This is Broodmother Ikani, captain of Moonreaver, of the Zerg Swarm. We have no intention of attacking you, or any other vessel. We are...[/color] She paused for a moment. [color=a187be]"...confused. We do not recognize the stars here. There was a sudden flash of light, and then we were here. Did you experience something similar?"[/color] She asked, to the Renatus, but also to the other ships nearby. If they experienced the same phenomenon, it might somewhat explain what had happened here.