On the table/counter/chair/tree stump in front of you lies a small tape recorder, received via messenger. And upon pressing the button on​ the side, the surprisingly clear voice of a dignified young man erupts from the device. "Greetings, , I am Commander in Chief of the Idris Special Forces, Isaac Miller. You are receiving this message​ because I believe you would be an excellent fit for a new team I am forming, Task Force 10. In this team, you will be tasked with handling matters unsuited for brute force. I will not lie to you. You will be put in many extremely dangerous situations, and I can not guarantee your survival. However, your participation in this team will help assure the continued survival and development of all known sentient life. And you will be compensated heavily for your trouble, as will any persons you mention within your will should the worst happen. As I'm sure you know, there has been a variety of...disasters that have occured within the past year. Land slides, massive tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, and strange entities appearing out of thin air and ripping apart villages. We believe it all to be related, and they are the reason why we are in such a hurry to form this team. If you are interested, please report to your closest Idris recruiter and hand them this recorder. Thank you for hearing me out. Isaac out." The device clicks then goes quiet. In the distance, you hear the sound of a lightning strike, despite the sky being perfectly clear.... Okay, I hope I didn't scare you off. Never been all too hot at this whole "introduction thing", but you have to start somewhere. Anyways,​ this RP is actually based upon a series of stories I have been working on in my leisure time(No you can't read them, they're trash. Besides, spoilers~) After continually hitting road block after block, I eventually came to the realization that this idea may work out better in an RP environment, with the separate characters not all controlled by one author. Thus, I decided to turn it into a RP, so I may actually be able to see my ideas turn into something cool to write and read. As the RP goes on, I will add the events from the RP into the lore sheets linked below to make it easier to follow along for current and future players, as well as any guests who wish to just sit and read it. I will create the IC thread upon the creation of at least four characters, one of which will be mine of course. I will be putting a limit of seven participating characters at the current time, and may consider increasing this limit in the future depending on how well the RP goes. Lastly, you may notice some heavy Final Fantasy vibes, FFXIV in particular, in the lore and the story itself. I am a huge Final Fantasy​ fanboy, and currently have 2400 hours clocked in FFXIV according to steam. Don't judge me. [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZZ3fR3hYfKamJwNjYZ-wZFB_hnPr6t5aKNcjam30Z3s/edit?usp=sharing]Races of Mithra(more to come)[/url] Note: You are not limited to these races. But if you are using a race not on this list, I require a full description of said race so I can approve it and add it to the lore sheet. [hider=Other lore] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f_fmt5Ju4HqzJki9xu51BCPe-ZCHnUouF15zBg6Pcy8/edit?usp=sharing]A summary of the ISF[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pf_b3ITz3kX9eJYXXqnr3PxUrz4XlGsjUu5Ax9SL7b8/edit?usp=sharing]The properties of Aether[/url] [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet Format] Name: Age: Race: Race description(if applicable): Appearance(be as descriptive as possible/pictures are fine): Ability(s): Background(why did they choose to join the ISF?): Other(Put any other details you think are important to your character here): [/hider] [hider=Rules] 1. The usual no god modding, auto hitting, etc 2. No killing important npcs or other characters without the improval of me(and in the case of other characters, obtain the approval of the other player as well.) If a player has gone AWOL, than I will take control of their character until either they return or I decide to sacrifice them, whichever I decide helps the story more. 3. I REALLLY shouldn't have to put this here, but don't be a dick. Follow the guild rules, be Fonz cool, etc etc. Dickish behavior by a player will cause them to get kicked, and reported to the moderators if I need to. 4. Follow the lore. This is a story, and good stories are consistent. I will keep the Google Docs updated as the RP progresses and as needed, in order to make it easy to follow this rule. When in doubt, ask me. 5. I expect a minimum of one paragraph per post, although the more is better, and I would prefer more than one. Again, feel free to come to me for advice if you hit a wall. It happens to all of us. 6. I do not have the 18+ tag selected, but that does not mean there won't be "adult" content. Blood, gore, violence, cursing, taboo subjects. These are all things that will very likely come up during the RP. The only thing I draw the line on is sex(although, when are you going to have time to do it anyway? >:D). If it's gotta happen, fade to black. 7. Lastly, I expect a post at least once every two days. If you are going to be dissapearing for a while, PLEASE let me know. One of the biggest killers of RPs is people poofing, leaving other players characters stuck. I will take control of AWOL players' characters' as needed.[/hider] [hider=Approved characters] None yet! [/hider]