[hider= Meanwhile, during the tournament, Michelle, Belinda and Melanie had another kind of problem going on...] Kanzael had brought Michelle all the way to the Mephisto school's basement, for it harbored many still unused chambers. Some of which were used for captives or extra troublesome troublemakers. Inside the room which Kanzael had chosen was a chair, a table and a bedroll, alongside a bucket. Kanzael placed Michelle down on the table after having locked the door, aswell as taking Luigi's missing hand off her, casually dropping it on the floor, while looking over all his various vials and considered which one would be the most effective to prevent this girl from escaping. He finally considered on two vials, one which was a sedative muscle relaxation one which would make it troublesome for her to move properly and the other was a sort of toxin which caused problems to concentrate and keep focus. Aswell as problems to sleep, meaning she would surely come out of her state soon enough. The wicked man put the two vials into his syringe blade before sticking it into Michelle's left arm after taking the robe she was wrapped in away. His eyes traversed over her form. He whistled slightly. "Fuck-o, right-on the sock-o. Looks like the catcherino was alot better than I first thought-ito." He snickered and grabbed hold of Michelle's hair, taking a long inhale. "Smellin' so good, but we'll turn you real bad-ito in no time-ato..." He chuckled in a very amused manner, halfway dancing in the small room, walking around to the other side of the table. 'Time to make use of that 24 hour recording of that one song once our chit-chattery is overdonito!' "Time to wake up-etito, pretty little dove-otto." Kanzael approached and began to slap Michelle across the face, taking his time waiting for her to wake up. "I don't have all night-o, got places to rob, people to scam. Oh but you have all night-o to think about the wonderful parts about being alive, and what better way to do it to than a really happy little song." Michelle's mind still felt cloudy. She couldn't tell what was going on. She could barely get her eyes to focus, and what she could focus on confused her. Wherever she was, it didn't look like the training room. There was a strange music playing, too, one she was unfamiliar with. A happy tune, too, she noted. And... was there someone there? What Belinda saw wasn't very nice either, but her mind was less inhibited, and she did not like the look of this place one bit. Unlike the well lit training room, this place was much darker in comparison and definitely much smaller. Wherever they were, they were not safe. [color=f7976a][i]Michelle! Wake up! We're in danger![/i][/color] Belinda tried to warn Michelle, but Michelle still wasn't responding very well. Wasting no more time, Belinda swapped with Michelle, hoping she could do what Michelle couldn't. At once, the full force of the drug hit Belinda. She realized why Michelle was having such a hard time now. Her body felt so weak; it didn't want to listen to her. And she couldn't think straight either. All she knew was that she was in danger and she wanted out. She made her best effort to move to safety. All she could really do, though, was feebly push with her arms and legs, and was nearing the edge of the table she was on until she fell off. "Outto! I should have letcha know about the edge there, my bad-erito! Chum-thing wrong?" Kanzael leaned down with both his knees next to Michelle, looking over how she was handling the sedative. "How the goodie-two shoeserie have fallen! To bad! Too baaad! Almost as bad as your friend who tried to save you!" Kanzael reached over to the floor where Luigi's hand was, holding it in front of Michelle, while he tried grabbing her head to keep it still so she could look at it. "Such a handy young lad-do, trying to save you but losing his grip on reality-o! And now he lost his handy hand thanks to you! But that's not the end of it, not even the best part! You've gotta do some hard work to make things up for him. Oh yes madam-ette you've gotta do some really nice piece of work! Oh but not only that, you've gotta do some for me to or I am going to chip-choppety chop chop at him abit more and let him know it's all because of -you-. So watcha say about undertaking some work to wipe away the blood from your stained hands and mind? Hm hm?" Kanzael stood back up and let out a cruel laugh, taking obvious enjoyment of the scenario playing out before him. This Luigi boyo's mind is as sharp as his weapons, heck-o hes something really cruel! I love it! Not even I could come up with such a marvelous plan on my own... "You may try to get away or try betray-o me or my best buddititos here, heck you could even test your luck-o at lying to me! Straight to the face! But that's so stupid, so stupid! Since then I'll go chop up metal-boyo, then capture you again... and wipe your head clearisimo of all memories. And follow up-po by making you go crush, clash and clomp-o on your own buddies and family-o, and make them plead for you to stop! Then the lawmakers put the last nail-o in your coffin!" Kanzael took a slight breath and then leaned down again, trying to stroke Michelle's hair. "Man that's alot of words, I almost got winded. But it doesn't have to be that way... all you have to do is a couple of tasks and you are free to go! Sounds fun doesn't it?!" Kanzael grinned widely, his mouth reaching further than some might expect it to. Michelle regained her senses, unhindered by the drug thanks to Belinda, but what she saw devastated her. Belinda was now on the ground, with a strange man that was clearly threatening her. [i][color=7ea7d8]Belinda![/color][/i] Michelle cried out. [i][color=7ea7d8]Give me control! I'll-[/color][/i] [i][color=f7976a]NO![/color][/i] Belinda mentally yelled back. [i][color=f7976a]It's too... too dangerous.[/color][/i] Michelle could only watch with horror as Kanzael described what had happened with Luigi, and how they had been kidnapped. She stared at Luigi's severed metal arm, wondering how things had managed to come to this, and feared just what kind of things would be done to her and Belinda. A tear even came out of Belinda's left eye. Meanwhile, Belinda was glaring at Kanzael through the pain, when she was lifted by her hair. She had no intention to humor Kanzael, and she really wanted to just spit in his face. However, that meant Belinda, and by extension Michelle, would get hurt, and that was the last thing she wanted to happen. After she was dropped, Belinda pushed herself back up with considerable effort, but still couldn't get back onto her feet. She settled for resting her back on a nearby wall, blocking Kanzael's attempts to touch her hair with her arm. Belinda hated every second of this. She knew they had to get out of this somehow. So Belinda decided she would play along with Kanzael for now. The next chance she found at escape, though, she would take it. "[color=f7976a]So... what are your demands... monster?[/color]" Belinda growled at Kanzael, making no effort to hide her disdain. "Perfect-o! I am the monstosito! Just what I like to hear, an eager worker seeking to earn their freedom-o! The first task I have in mind-o, is a quite simple one really-o. You don't -have- to hurt anyone, I need you to aqquire some thing'os for me." Kanzael said in a smug manner, before yawning deeply. He then proceeded to move over to the one chair in the room. "I need you to break into a place and steal some rare materialos, they are being safeguarded in a warehouse-o two street'os away from the local law enforcement-o stationette. The placette is called McLavlin's Store and Score, which is a store as you can tell by the name-o. However their warehouse, which is located behind it contains rare thing'os not usually out for just any buyerinos and be very costly. The place is likely guardito'd by a couple of guard'os which are armed, but shouldn't be a problem-o for someone like you." Kanzael assured as he crossed his legs, while taking out a small vial from his beltpouch, before inserting it into his syringe blade. "Though on it's own, it's just kinda simple-o and not overly fun or fancy is it? Besides you need the proper motivation-ata since it's your first task-o. So I will just stick this nice little bit-o poison inside of you, oh don't worry it's harmless, for 10 hours. You should have plenty of time to get back with the things and receive the cure for it." He blew some air out through his nose and decorated his face with a shit eating grin as he rose up from the chair, walking over with the syringe blade at the ready. "So how about it? After that you'll only have one more task to do and then I'll leave you be!" Belinda hesitated, staring at the needle. She may not know if Kanzael could really wipe out her memories, but she wasn't willing to test that. At the same time, she also wasn't keen on willingly allowing herself to get poisoned. Belinda wasn't sure which choice to make. She couldn't see a path where Michelle wouldn't be harmed. In the end, Michelle made the choice for her. "[color=7ea7d8]I'll do it,[/color]" Michelle said, having taken control of her body again. She had a determined look in her eyes. Extending her arm towards Kanzael, she added, "[color=7ea7d8]I'll get the job done.[/color]" Michelle was still very much scared of the entire situation, but she couldn't bear to see Belinda taking all the burden for herself anymore. After all, Michelle was the shield; she had to protect Belinda, just like Belinda tried to protect her. [i][color=f7976a]Michelle, what are you doing?! Don't be a dumbass![/color][/i] Belinda exclaimed. [i][color=7ea7d8]We're doing this... together... Belinda,[/color][/i] Michelle responded. [i][color=f7976a]...Dumbass...[/color][/i] Belinda said, but retorted no further. "That's a reasonable girl-o, bravotto!" Kanzael gave a grin and then drove the syringe forwards, the blade's tip piercing Michelle's arm and inserting the poison, or whatever it was that he had in that vial. After that was done, he withdrew the syringe and clapped his hands, in a golf clap manner. "Good choice, good choice my little cat burglarita. Now you are free to go, but remember to be back here within ten hours or you might run out of time! Oh and be gentle with the package, wouldn't want anything to go boom-boom in your handies." The smug looking adult walked over towards the metal door and opened it. "This way then." He said in an amused manner as he stood in the doorway, the slightly more lit corridor outside lightening up the much darker room they had both been in. "I'll make sure you don't get bitten on the way out or worse. Oh and in case you think of betraying me or revealing this place-o to anyone, imagine what they would do with you and your dear ones after such a thing-o." After saying that, Kanzael intended to lead Michelle to the basement exit of the Mephisto school, to open that door and lead her out into the street above. After the injection, Michelle rubbed the sore spot. She never did like injections in general, never mind this, but she had to put up with it. Michelle did her best to get up on her feet, and actually managed to do it. It seemed like her strength was returning, but was still feeling quite weak. In any case, there was nothing she could do until the drug in her body wore off. She wondered what was flowing through her veins right now, and hoped there weren't any side effects. As they walked, Michelle realized there was still something she was missing from Kanzael. "[color=7ea7d8]Before I forget, ughh,[/color]" Michelle said slowly, putting a hand on her forehead to steady her head. "[color=7ea7d8]What, exactly, are I supposed to get from this warehouse? You didn't mention anything about, uhh, what they're called, or what they look like.[/color]" Kanzael gave Michelle a wide grin. "Small crates marked with a red hammer on them, these contain very durable and light precious-o metals in them. The best you can getcha hands on, unless you count in military grade-o thing'os. You should be able to get at least three of those with you, perhaps more of worth if you stealify a car or begin to stuffing the things into your pockets. The more you get, the sooner you can be released. Remember that!" The adult tried to pat Michelle's shoulder while giving her an unsettling stare. "Better not mess this up, theres more on the line-o than your health after all." [i][color=7ea7d8]Small crates with red hammers,[/color][/i] Michelle made a mental note of that. She followed Kanzael through the corridor, glad to be getting out soon, but dreading the eventual return. Kanzael was not helping with that, either. She needed to find a way to call for help, and she had less than 10 hours to do so. Michelle could finally see the exit. It felt like an eternity since she was outside, even though it had been perhaps half a day at most. When she got out, she realized that she had no idea where she was. The surroundings were completely unfamiliar to her. Michelle looked around the street, seeing no landmarks or signs she recognized. She wasn’t even sure what building she had just come out of. Oh well, she could probably figure it out. once she found a landmark to go by. Melanie had spent some time for her routinary tasks of being a teenager and searching her soul. These, more than often, involved tough decisions, decisions that someone without a proper moral compass would struggle with. And such was the case for Melanie. Almost mechanically, she flipped the phone cover and rang the first, or last person she had found in her recent call list, Michelle. "Hi Michelle, It is Melanie. Do you think wearing mismatched socks is acceptable to get rid of a cold sensation?" After retrieving their phone from the training room where they dropped it, Michelle had been arguing with Belinda about who o call first. Michelle had wanted to call the police straight away, but Belinda wanted to make sure it was safe before doing so. With Melanie's timely call, an idea formed as the opportunity presented itself, so they decided to take it. "[color=7ea7d8]...What?[/color]" Michelle asked in confusion. The sheer absurdity of the question Melanie had asked stunned her into silence. Unfortunately, Belinda was quick to step in, and couldn't resist a miscommunication act again. "[color=f7976a]Yes, but you have to put some on your hands too,[/color]" Belinda answered. "[color=7ea7d8]What?! No, don't listen to that![/color]" Michelle yelled. "[color=7ea7d8]And Belinda, you know this is not the time![/color]" "[color=f7976a]I know, I know, sorry, I couldn't resist,[/color]" Belinda said while chuckling. When she was done, Belinda asked Melanie, "[color=f7976a]Hey Mel, could you come over to that training room where that spar happened? We kinda need you here; I'll explain when you get here.[/color]" Melanie listened to the voice of Michelle. "So I should go there, then. You shall explain it. I will bring the socks took, so you can tell me an unambiguous answer. Also enough for the hands." Melanie said, and without another prompt, she hung up. Reminiscing about the earlier fight, she had taken mental notes on where to go. Without saying a word, she headed for the door. Her parents alarmed, asked her where she was going. "Finding the truth behind the sock dilemma and helping Michelle in the process." She answered. And without second thought, she ventured into the streets. Well, someone had to tell her to stop wearing her kitty pyjamas, but still. When Michelle spotted Melanie, she immediately ran into her, hugging Melanie tightly. "[color=7ea7d8]Melanie...![/color]" Michelle said, burying her face into Mel's chest. This lasted for a second before Belinda took control and pushed herself off Melanie, wiping the tears that were beginning to form. Clearing her throat, Belinda began, "[color=f7976a]Thanks for coming, Mel. You see, the thing is...[/color]" Belinda then proceeded to explain the series of events that led to here, including her abduction by Kanzael, the job he wanted her to perform, and the poison he had injected into her body. "[color=f7976a]And there we have it. I called you here because I wanted someone I trusted with me, to help guard and escort me while we go to the police station, possibly the hospital too if we have to.[/color]" Melanie, for her part, stood still and unresponsive whle Michelle crashed into her chest crying. Her blank expression denoted that while she was unable to process things on an emotional level, something had triggered on her mind. She attempted to reach the other girl, but was pushed back. "I am sorry Michelle. I cannot reciprocate your feelings in this relationship, even if you find me appealing." She droned. Listening to Kanzaels method of handling things and Michelle's ordeal she nodded sagely. "That approach is fairly reasonable, if a bit risky. Damage to someone you are entrusted a task is suboptimal." Melanie added, before clasping Michelle's hand."Request for help accepted. Michelle is a trusted companion. She is also an object of beauty. Access to inner sanctum granted. Come inside me. It will be safe in there" She said while attempting to phase her inside her inner space. Belinda made a look of confusion at first before realizing that it was probably just Melanie being Melanie, and just ignored it, continuing on with her business. "[color=f7976a]I know, but it's the only we could come up with on such short notice,[/color]" Belinda responded. Then Melanie began to pull her in, which caught Belinda off guard again. "[color=f7976a]Wha-[/color]" Belinda managed to say before she was phased into Melanie's dimensional space. If asked to describe the sensation of Melanie's phasing, neither Belinda nor Michelle could really say. There didn't seem to be any words that could describe the sensation. All they knew was that they were in one place in one moment, and in Melanie's space the next. Once Belinda got her bearings again, she was frozen by just about everything. There was the fact that she had never been in Melanie's personal space before, so that was strange in of itself. Then there was all the stuff inside Melanie's space, including a plethora of animals. Belinda even wanted to joke about Melanie saying, "Come inside me," but that opportunity had already passed, which Belinda was slightly disappointed about once she realized it. All in all, it was absolutely crazy. "[color=f7976a]So this is what it's like in here,[/color]" Belinda finally said. A cat walked over to Belinda and, after a quick sniff, began to rub itself on her leg, which Belinda looked at for a brief moment before bending down to pet it. Melanie for the most part, looked at Michelle's expression carefully, as she pointed at the looming structure before them. A castle, twisted and unreal, was present before them. It was a mashup of construction materials, and did resemble something out of a videogame. Yet for all its hapzardness, it seemed secure and comfortable, and indeed, Melanie proceed to point out there was some sort of running electricity in the interior. The building was attached to what it seemed a junkyard, but in truth it was a depot full of ominous weapons. Both structures appeared to be in what was a dry island amidst a sea that spanned the horizon, bathed by a dusk sunlight that titillated but never seemed to go off. "Please do leave all objects of beauty where you found them." She indicated, referring to the cat and assorted animals as well as the precious items that could be seen. A mismash between relics, pop posters, and cat pictures. "This way. It is easy to get lost inside my soulspace." She droned again, motioning her to follow inside. Gently pushing the cat away, Belinda followed Melanie inside, her head swiveling from side to side as she examined the castle. There were just so many strange objects that one wouldn't normally find outside this place, and that wasn't even counting the castle itself. Michelle wondered just how this castle was actually standing. What kind of supports were holding up this seemingly disorganized collection? And just where did Melanie get all this stuff from? Melanie did not skip a heartbeat as she passed several rooms, most of them had cute animals, or animal pictures, or stacks of comic and cheap abstract art. She led Michelle to the safest place of her inner sanctum, her room. It stood tall, on a balcony of the imaginary castle, always lit by the sunset. The baroque bed clashed with the cat stamped bed sheets, which Melanie indicated Michelle to use. "Rest here." She droned, as she focused... and another portal reappeared, sealing Michelle inside Melanie's soulspace. Belinda jumped into the air and landed on her back on the bed, bouncing a bit as she landed. "[color=f7976a]Hey, Michelle,[/color]" Belinda said after a moment of silence. "[color=7ea7d8]Yes, Belinda?[/color]" "[color=f7976a]...I'm glad you're here.[/color]" "[color=7ea7d8]...Me too.[/color]" Together, they rested in silence, enjoying the feeling of their bond with each other. This silence only lasted for a minute, though, before Belinda threw herself off the bed, saying, "[color=f7976a]Right, enough of that wishy washy crap, let's explore the place. There's gotta be some cool stuff in here.[/color]" Michelle sighed, then asked, "[color=7ea7d8]Don't you think we should stay a bit? Rest up, maybe not agitate whatever poison's inside of us?[/color]" Belinda hesitated for a second, but then she responded with, "[color=f7976a]Ehhhhhh it's fiiiine. We're still nowhere near the time limit, and I still feel fine. Let's go![/color]" Michelle let out another mental sigh, but let Belinda take the reins and wander the halls. She figured that Melanie would probably find them should they actually get lost. Finding the next station was nowhere a chore as she could have thought. They were good spots of information and where most lost animal bounties were posted, thus a nice spot of information. Melanie did not need to run very far before reaching into the station after having taking Michelle within her. However, getting to see an agent was tricky, as they met with disbelief to say that she had a poisoned girl inside her. Melanie decided to thus wait for a bit and then try to pull Michelle out of herself. She disappeared inside a portal, to find where Michelle had wandered inside her space. "[i][color=7ea7d8]I reeeeally think you should put the cat down, Belinda[/color][/i]" Michelle said worriedly to Belinda. "[i][color=7ea7d8]Melanie told us to leave everything where we found it.[/color][/i]" "[color=f7976a]Hey, it's not my fault this little cutie won't leave us alone,[/color]" Belinda retorted, scratching the chin of the purring cat in her arms as she walked. The two continued to walk until Michelle suddenly remarked, "[i][color=7ea7d8]Isn't this the third time we've walked past this painting?[/color][/i]" Belinda turned to look where Michelle had pointed out, and noticed that the painting did look rather familiar. "[color=f7976a]Yeeaaah, we're probably lost,[/color]" Belinda admitted. Michelle sighed, figuring this was bound to happen sooner or later. "Please do leave all objects of beauty where you found them. The cat is considered as such." said Melanie, who had appeared behind Michelle and Belinda without any sound of warning, having teleported silently. Her deft hands tried to pry the cat out of Michelle's hands, not giving much time before she teleported them both back into the police station (without even bothering checking if the cat had been freed or not). "It is done." said Melanie, to the now incredulous agent who had witnessed a girl blink out of existence and come back with another one... and possibly a cat. The cat was removed from Belinda's arms without a struggle from her, and she soon found herself in the police station. Belinda took a moment to get her bearings back, then she grinned at Melanie. "Thanks, Mel," she said before returning her body's control back to Michelle. From there, Michelle turned to the police station staff and began to recount the details... [hr] Belinda brooded over the recent events as she sat with one leg on top of the other, her chin resting on her hand with her elbow resting on her leg. There had been so much hassle with the whole ordeal, so much worry with Kanzael, all for the "poison" to be nothing but a dud. Belinda couldn't stand it. Not only were she and Michelle just toyed with, she had been reduced to a sentimental fool, and that just wasn't her style. [i][color=7ea7d8]Well...[/color][/i] Michelle began. [i][color=7ea7d8]At least we weren't actually poisoned.[/color][/i] "[color=f7976a]Aahhhh I hate that asshole SO MUCH![/color]" Belinda exclaimed, jumping onto her feet and striking her palm with a fist. "[color=f7976a]The next time I see that sonuvabitch's smug face, I'll tear it off and shove it up his-.[/color]" [i][color=7ea7d8]Belinda![/color][/i] Michelle interrupted. "[color=f7976a]Yeah yeah yeah,[/color]" Belinda dismissed. "[color=f7976a]I just wanna be ready next time. No more of that kidnapping and poisoning bull.[/color]" [i][color=7ea7d8]We will be, Belinda. That's a promise.[/color][/i] [/hider]