[center][img] https://i.imgur.com/AZwlIhv.jpg[/img][/center][hr][color=coral]“Man this blows.”[/color] It was all too expected of their small town to be up and arms about the recent incident. Indeed, a full week had passed and there was still no real word about the mayor’s daughter. The fact a town meeting had been called in place for today could only mean the worse and that meant only one thing really to [url=https://i.imgur.com/Xo612yd.jpg]Pepper[/url]. The Green Bay Theater would be closed for the day. Much like any other sensible business, the theater decided to close its doors for the day out of respect for the town mayor. They even gave her the day off as opposed to working on menial tasks, having assumed she was deeply influenced by the tragedy. Now of course she did think the whole thing sucked and it was in fact a tragedy. But if she was being honest with herself, Pepper didn’t have much to gain. She never knew Lily like some others apparently did and didn’t have any close attachments by any means to her. [color=coral]“Yeah, it all blows. But I can’t just tell my boss that. Or anyone else lest I get stoned,”[/color] she sighed to herself. With nowhere left to go for the morning until the town meeting, Pepper decided to go on a walk. It was probably to clear her mind about the week’s events or maybe just to get some fresh air. It wasn’t like she had any scholarly responsibilities to uphold now after all. In fact, she should have felt elated on a free day of no work. So why didn’t she? [color=coral]“Probably because everyone around me’s feeling depressed,”[/color] she answered herself. Hands in her pockets, she picked a random direction for her feet to carry her while her mind flitted to other thoughts. Perhaps it was on unconscious instinct because when she paid attention again, she was walking past Moore University just on the other side of the street she was on. No doubt the students there would also cancel classes for the town meeting. Pepper didn’t need to check the time to know she was still way too early for the town meeting; That meant more wandering around for something to do. [color=coral]“At least the weather’s nice, I guess. But that’s some kind of cosmic irony for the mood of the day,”[/color] she sighed. She continued her merry way, wandering around. She supposed she could go for some breakfast at least, assuming any place was open for today. It wasn’t like she didn’t have the time.