I've been an Xbone gamer for a few years now, and while I can't say I personally like the COD franchise or any FPS for that matter, I still say to each their own. My tastes are more in survival horror and RPGs. That being said though, I have played a few Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon games and liked them. For me it's more if a game can appeal to my tastes, and what I like in a game is a good story and innovative gameplay. That's two reasons really why I'm turned off alot by FPS games, an mostly COD, but I will say Halo had a very intriguing storyline. Just recently I finished Spec Ops: The Line. Going into it, I had my doubts saying "Meh...this is just gonna be another glorified piece of military propaganda." But oh was I so wrong. This game is by far one of the best ever written IMO. I even place it up there with Silent Hill 2 and Eternal Darkness.